- [] cy0011132
- label
- [en] Carnegie_Stage_11
- t1
- [] 23
- age
- [] 23-25 dpo
- onweb
- [] 1
- stageNo
- [] 17
- name
- [] Carnegie Stage 11
- t2
- [] 25
- speciesNo
- [] 86
- feature
- [] S-shaped embryo; 13-20 somites; the rostral neuropore is closing; the early heart is beating rhythmically although there's no true circulation possible with the blood vessel development still incompleted; initial stages of eye, ear and mesonephros formation; nasal placode appears
- hasPart
- dermamyotome_of_trunk
- hasPart
- mesothelial_lining_of_pericardio-peritoneal_coelom
- hasPart
- lateral_plate_mesenchyme
- hasPart
- tertiary_villi
- hasPart
- mesentery_of_heart
- hasPart
- future_pericardial_component
- hasPart
- somite_19
- hasPart
- atrio-ventricular_canal
- hasPart
- endocardial_tissue_of_caudal_half_of_bulbus_cordis
- hasPart
- glands_of_pharynx
- hasPart
- optic_eminence
- hasPart
- endodermal_epithelium_of_foregut-midgut_junction
- hasPart
- prosencephalic_vesicle
- hasPart
- anchoring_villi
- hasPart
- D2_postoptic
- hasPart
- endoderm_of_maxillary_component
- hasPart
- mesothelium_of_secondary_yolk_sac
- hasPart
- secondary_yolk_sac
- hasPart
- lateral_wall_of_future_diencephalon
- hasPart
- somite_8
- hasPart
- conus_cordis
- hasPart
- left_lung_rudiment
- hasPart
- floor_plate_of_future_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- cardiac_jelly_of_left_part_of_common_atrial_chamber
- hasPart
- thyroid_primordium
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_hindgut
- hasPart
- mandibular_component
- hasPart
- somite_2
- hasPart
- lateral_wall_of_future_prosencephalon
- hasPart
- chorionic_mesoderm
- hasPart
- somite_14
- hasPart
- somite_18
- hasPart
- pia_mater_of_meninges_of_future_rhombencephalon
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_derived_from_neural_crest_of_second_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- left_dorsal_aorta
- hasPart
- mesonephros
- hasPart
- cardinal_veins
- hasPart
- neural_crest_of_epithelium_of_otic_pit
- hasPart
- myocardium_of_outflow_tract
- hasPart
- hepatic_component_of_septum_transversum
- hasPart
- endoderm_of_mandibular_component
- hasPart
- cardiac_jelly_of_caudal_half_of_bulbus_cordis
- hasPart
- mesoblastic_core_of_tertiary_villi
- hasPart
- amniotic_mesoderm
- hasPart
- facio-acoustic_preganglion_condensation_VII-VIII
- hasPart
- myocoele_of_trunk_mesenchyme
- hasPart
- caudal_half_of_bulbus_cordis
- hasPart
- vitelline_arterial_plexus
- hasPart
- right_vitelline_arterial_plexus
- hasPart
- cavity_of_future_peritoneal_component
- hasPart
- internal_carotid_artery_right_and_left
- hasPart
- vagal_preganglion_condensation_X
- hasPart
- epithelium_of_inner_ear
- hasPart
- floor_plate_of_future_diencephalon
- hasPart
- cardiac_jelly_of_primitive_ventricle_future_left_ventricle
- hasPart
- cerebral_veins
- hasPart
- D1_optic
- hasPart
- rostral_half_of_bulbus_cordis
- hasPart
- parietal_mesothelium_of_future_pericardial_component
- hasPart
- otic_neural_crest
- hasPart
- facio-acoustic_neural_crest
- hasPart
- glands_of_oral_region
- hasPart
- optic_vesicle
- hasPart
- hepatic_diverticulum
- hasPart
- bulbus_cordis
- hasPart
- chorionic_plate
- hasPart
- floor_plate_of_neural_tube
- hasPart
- vein_of_head_and_neck
- hasPart
- somite_6
- hasPart
- blood_vessels_of_tertiary_chorionic_villi
- hasPart
- nose
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_derived_from_head_mesoderm_of_mandibular_component
- hasPart
- myocardium_of_caudal_half_of_bulbus_cordis
- hasPart
- somite_7
- hasPart
- floating_villi
- hasPart
- buccopharyngeal_membrane
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_pharyngeal_region
- hasPart
- future_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- eye
- hasPart
- nephric_duct
- hasPart
- endothelium_of_secondary_yolk_sac
- hasPart
- primitive_ventricle_of_future_left_ventricle
- hasPart
- primordium_of_ectodermal_ring
- hasPart
- myocardium_of_right_part_of_common_atrial_chamber
- hasPart
- non-tubular_part_of_mesonephros
- hasPart
- blood_vessel
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_derived_from_somatopleure
- hasPart
- myocardium_of_primitive_ventricle_future_left_ventricle
- hasPart
- somite_17
- hasPart
- cranial_sensory_ganglion
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_derived_from_neural_crest_of_mesenchyme_of_maxillary_component
- hasPart
- umbilical_veins
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_second_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- intermediate_mesenchyme
- hasPart
- vitelline_capillary_plexus
- hasPart
- somite_13
- hasPart
- non-hepatic_component_of_septum_transversum
- hasPart
- vein_of_trunk
- hasPart
- oral_region
- hasPart
- stomatodaeum
- hasPart
- trunk_mesenchyme
- hasPart
- cytotrophoblastic_shell
- hasPart
- intraembryonic_coelom
- hasPart
- midgut
- hasPart
- roof_plate_of_future_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_right_lung_rudiment
- hasPart
- future_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- tubule_of_primitive_nephron
- hasPart
- somite_12
- hasPart
- syncytiotrophoblast
- hasPart
- prechordal_plate
- hasPart
- left_umbilical_artery
- hasPart
- vein
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_derived_from_splanchnopleure
- hasPart
- hindgut
- hasPart
- somite_20
- hasPart
- maxilliary-mandibular_groove
- hasPart
- mesencephalic_neural_crest
- hasPart
- endoderm_of_pharyngeal_pouch_of_second_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- allantoic_diverticulum_of_connecting_stalk
- hasPart
- endoderm_of_hindgut
- hasPart
- cytotrophoblastic_cell_column
- hasPart
- left_vitelline_vein
- hasPart
- pharyngeal_groove_of_second_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- sclerotome_of_head_mesenchyme
- hasPart
- dorsal_aorta
- hasPart
- right_umbilical_artery
- hasPart
- secondary_yolk_sac_cavity
- hasPart
- rhombomere_3
- hasPart
- rest_of_ectoderm_of_stomatodeum
- hasPart
- pro-rhombomere
- hasPart
- outflow_tract_of_heart
- hasPart
- primitive_streak
- hasPart
- head_mesenchyme
- hasPart
- amnion
- hasPart
- left_horn_of_sinus_venosus
- hasPart
- neural_tube
- hasPart
- unsegmented_mesenchyme_of_head
- hasPart
- common_cardinal_vein_
- hasPart
- glossopharyngeal_neural_crest
- hasPart
- rostral_neuropore
- hasPart
- future_brain
- hasPart
- atrium_of_heart
- hasPart
- unsegmented_mesenchyme_of_trunk
- hasPart
- endothelium_of_right_lung_rudiment
- hasPart
- dorsal_mesocardium
- hasPart
- umbilical_vein
- hasPart
- vagal_neural_crest
- hasPart
- meninges_of_future_rhombencephalon
- hasPart
- anterior_cardinal_vein
- hasPart
- left_vitelline_arterial_plexus
- hasPart
- rhombomere_4
- hasPart
- umbilical_artery
- hasPart
- foregut
- hasPart
- ectoderm_of_pharyngeal_groove_of_second_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- caudal_eminence
- hasPart
- endocardial_tissue_of_rostral_half_of_bulbus_cordis
- hasPart
- gut
- hasPart
- neural_ectoderm_of_optic_vesicle
- hasPart
- myocoele_of_head_mesenchyme
- hasPart
- floor_plate_of_future_rhombencephalon
- hasPart
- mesothelium_of_future_peritoneal_component
- hasPart
- notochordal_plate
- hasPart
- amniotic_ectoderm
- hasPart
- veins_of_extraembryonic_component
- hasPart
- floor_plate_of_future_prosencephalon
- hasPart
- chorion
- hasPart
- cavity_of_future_pericardial_component
- hasPart
- sclerotome_of_trunk_mesenchyme
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_maxillary_component
- hasPart
- cavity_of_pericardio-peritoneal_coelom
- hasPart
- truncus_arteriosus
- hasPart
- dorsolateral_migration_pathway
- hasPart
- embryonic_lamina_terminalis
- hasPart
- common_atrial_chamber
- hasPart
- endoderm_of_pharyngeal_region
- hasPart
- rhombomere_1
- hasPart
- otic_pit
- hasPart
- lateral_wall_of_future_rhombencephalon
- hasPart
- ectodermal_ring
- hasPart
- allantois
- hasPart
- trigeminal_preganglion_condensation_V
- hasPart
- paraxial_mesenchyme_of_head
- hasPart
- vitelline_vein
- hasPart
- endoderm_of_second_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- artery_of_trunk
- hasPart
- blood_islands
- hasPart
- somite_5
- hasPart
- connecting_stalk
- hasPart
- endoderm_of_buccopharyngeal_membrane
- hasPart
- rhombomere_6
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_foregut-midgut_junction
- hasPart
- rhombencephalic_vesicle
- hasPart
- mesothelium_of_future_pericardial_component
- hasPart
- myocardium_of_left_part_of_common_atrial_chamber
- hasPart
- somite_16
- hasPart
- somite_15
- hasPart
- arteries_of_extraembryonic_component
- hasPart
- endocardial_tissue_of_outflow_tract
- hasPart
- surface_ectoderm
- hasPart
- allantoic_diverticulum_of_hindgut
- hasPart
- right_horn_of_sinus_venosus
- hasPart
- third_pharyngeal_pouch
- hasPart
- neural_crest_of_future_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- ectoderm_of_maxilliary-mandibular_groove
- hasPart
- septum_transversum
- hasPart
- heart
- hasPart
- umbilical_arteries_right_and_left_of_extraembryonic_component
- hasPart
- intersegmental_arteries
- hasPart
- right_vitelline_vein
- hasPart
- primary_head_vein
- hasPart
- biliary_bud
- hasPart
- transverse_pericardial_sinus
- hasPart
- caudal_neuropore
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_mesonephros
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_mandibular_component
- hasPart
- artery_of_head_and_neck
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_tracheal_diverticulum
- hasPart
- vitelline_arterial_plexus_of_extraembryonic_component
- hasPart
- roof_plate_of_neural_tube
- hasPart
- paraxial_mesenchyme_of_trunk
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_thyroid_primordium
- hasPart
- pharyngeal_region
- hasPart
- cloacal_membrane
- hasPart
- marginal_layer_of_future_rhombencephalon
- hasPart
- rhombomere_7
- hasPart
- right_dorsal_aorta
- hasPart
- ectoderm_of_second_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- second_pharyngeal_arch_artery
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_derived_from_neural_crest_of_trunk
- hasPart
- neural_lumen
- hasPart
- roof_plate_of_future_rhombencephalon
- hasPart
- vitelline_venous_plexus_left_and_right_of_extraembryonic_component
- hasPart
- lung
- hasPart
- site_of_future_optic_chiasm
- hasPart
- mouth-foregut_junction
- hasPart
- pharyngeal_groove_of_first_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- mesothelium_of_connecting_stalk
- hasPart
- internal_ear
- hasPart
- pharyngeal_pouch_of_second_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- laryngo-tracheal_groove
- hasPart
- mesencephalic_vesicle_cerebral_aqueduct
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_rest_of_foregut
- hasPart
- surface_ectoderm_of_eye
- hasPart
- cytotrophoblast
- hasPart
- optic_neural_crest
- hasPart
- lateral_wall_of_neural_tube
- hasPart
- endoderm_of_rest_of_foregut
- hasPart
- cardiac_jelly_of_rostral_half_of_bulbus_cordis
- hasPart
- umbilical_veins_right__left_of_extraembryonic_component
- hasPart
- first_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- marginal_layer_of_neural_tube
- hasPart
- endoderm_of_pharyngeal_pouch_of_first_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- cardiac_jelly_of_right_part_of_common_atrial_chamber
- hasPart
- common_dorsal_aorta
- hasPart
- rhombomere_2
- hasPart
- rest_of_foregut
- hasPart
- spinal_neural_crest_of_trunk_mesenchyme
- hasPart
- extraembryonic_component
- hasPart
- neural_folds_of_future_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- somite_11
- hasPart
- endoderm_of_thyroid_primordium
- hasPart
- first_pharyngeal_arch_artery
- hasPart
- ganglion
- hasPart
- endothelium_of_tracheal_diverticulum
- hasPart
- future_stroma
- hasPart
- venous_sinus_of_primitive_heart
- hasPart
- neural_crest_of_future_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- bulboventricular_loop
- hasPart
- dermamyotome_of_head
- hasPart
- endocardial_tissue_of_right_part_of_common_atrial_chamber
- hasPart
- pericardio-peritoneal_coelom
- hasPart
- nephric_cord
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_midgut
- hasPart
- olfactory_placode
- hasPart
- somite_3
- hasPart
- second_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- ectoderm
- hasPart
- lateral_wall_of_future_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- endoderm_of_midgut
- hasPart
- ectoderm_of_pharyngeal_groove_of_first_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- foregut-midgut_junction
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_derived_from_neural_crest_of_head_mesenchyme
- hasPart
- ectoderm_of_maxillary_component
- hasPart
- ectoderm_of_third_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- roof_plate_of_future_prosencephalon
- hasPart
- occipital_neural_crest
- hasPart
- chorda_dorsalis
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_derived_from_neural_crest_of_mandibular_component
- hasPart
- glossopharyngeal_preganglion_condensation_IX
- hasPart
- ventral_migration_pathway
- hasPart
- trigeminal_neural_crest
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_secondary_yolk_sac
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_eye
- hasPart
- amniotic_cavity
- hasPart
- neural_crest_of_pro-rhombomere
- hasPart
- myocardium_of_rostral_half_of_bulbus_cordis
- hasPart
- right_umbilical_vein
- hasPart
- chorionic_cavity
- hasPart
- ectoderm_of_mandibular_component
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_derived_from_head_mesoderm_of_mesenchyme_of_maxillary_component
- hasPart
- adenohypophysis_primordium
- hasPart
- somite_9
- hasPart
- future_peritoneal_component
- hasPart
- somite_10
- hasPart
- blood_vessels_of_extraembryonic_component
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_left_lung_rudiment
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_otic_pit
- hasPart
- somite_1
- hasPart
- cardiac_jelly_of_outflow_tract
- hasPart
- endocardial_tissue_of_primitive_ventricle_of_future_left_ventricle
- hasPart
- component_of_pronephros
- hasPart
- maxillary_component
- hasPart
- epithelium_of__buccopharyngeal_membrane
- hasPart
- posterior_cardinal_vein
- hasPart
- first_pharyngeal_pouch
- hasPart
- neural_crest_of_optic_vesicle
- hasPart
- endothelium_of_left_lung_rudiment
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_connecting_stalk
- hasPart
- supra-optic_recess
- hasPart
- neural_plate
- hasPart
- right_lung_rudiment
- hasPart
- pituitary_primordium
- hasPart
- right_part_of_common_atrial_chamber
- hasPart
- optic_sulcus_of_future_diencephalon
- hasPart
- neurohypophysial_primordium
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_derived_from_head_mesoderm_of_second_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- parietal_mesothelium_of_future_peritoneal_component
- hasPart
- future_rhombencephalon
- hasPart
- artery
- hasPart
- ventricular_layer_of_neural_tube
- hasPart
- somite_4
- hasPart
- future_prosencephalon
- hasPart
- rhombomere_5