- onweb
- [] 1
- [] cy0011137
- feature
- [] cerebral hemispheres are differentiable; retinal pigment is definitely visible; primary cardiac tube seperates in aortic and pulmonary part; face begins to acquire form, lower limbs segment (thigh, leg and foot can be distinguished); size: 9 to 11 mm
- age
- [] 37-42 dpo
- stageNo
- [] 22
- t2
- [] 41
- name
- [] Carnegie Stage 16
- t1
- [] 34
- label
- [en] Carnegie_Stage_16
- speciesNo
- [] 86
- hasPart
- olfactory_pit
- hasPart
- splenic_primordium
- hasPart
- parietal_mesothelium_of_future_pleural_sacs
- hasPart
- rhombencephalon
- hasPart
- internal_carotid_artery_right_and_left
- hasPart
- primary_vitreous_humour
- hasPart
- auditory_ossicles
- hasPart
- left_hepatic_duct
- hasPart
- germinal_epithelium_of_gonadal_ridge
- hasPart
- internal_ear
- hasPart
- future_colliculi_of_tectum_of_midbrain
- hasPart
- cranial_nerve_nuclei_of_rhombencephalon
- hasPart
- primary_axial_artery_of_upper_limb
- hasPart
- dorsal_pancreatic_duct
- hasPart
- future_vertebral_artery
- hasPart
- endodermal_epithelium_of_median_lingual_swelling_of_first_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- left_lung
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_upper_arm
- hasPart
- endocardial_lining_of_interventricular_septum
- hasPart
- median_nerve
- hasPart
- ventricular_layer_of_neural_tube
- hasPart
- somite_23
- hasPart
- pleuroperitoneal_canal
- hasPart
- epithelium_of_forearm
- hasPart
- dorsal_mesooesophagus
- hasPart
- mesentery_of_oesophagus
- hasPart
- umbilical_arteries_right_and_left_of_extraembryonic_component
- hasPart
- surface_epithelium_of_auditory_hillocks
- hasPart
- ulnar_veins
- hasPart
- superior_part_of_ganglion_of_vestibulocochlear_nerve
- hasPart
- basal_column
- hasPart
- meninx_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- chorda_dorsalis
- hasPart
- telencephalic_part_of_third_ventricle
- hasPart
- future_olfactory_bulb
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_mesonephros
- hasPart
- cavity_of_pleuroperitoneal_coelom
- hasPart
- parietal_mesothelium_of_pericardial_component
- hasPart
- first_pharyngeal_membrane_of_ear
- hasPart
- elbow
- hasPart
- capillary_plexus_of_neural_tube
- hasPart
- mesothelium_of_pleuroperitoneal_canals
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_pharynx
- hasPart
- yolk_sac_stalk_of_midgut
- hasPart
- future_peritoneal_component
- hasPart
- intermediate_layer_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- middle_dural_plexus_vein
- hasPart
- capsule_of_lens_vesicle
- hasPart
- trochlear_nerve_IV
- hasPart
- superior_part_of_duodenum
- hasPart
- posterior_wall_of_lens_vesicle
- hasPart
- posterior_dural_plexus_vein
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_trachea
- hasPart
- muscular_part_of_interventricular_septum
- hasPart
- commissural_plate
- hasPart
- middle_lobe_of_right_lung
- hasPart
- thoraco-epigastric_vein
- hasPart
- mesonephros
- hasPart
- vagal_trunk
- hasPart
- right_inferior_lobar_bronchus
- hasPart
- pharyngeal_veins
- hasPart
- dorsal_mesentery_of_rest_of_hindgut
- hasPart
- epithelium_of_main_bronchus_of_left_lung
- hasPart
- vein_of_trunk
- hasPart
- vestibulocochlear_nerve_VIII
- hasPart
- retinal_pigment_epithelium_RPE
- hasPart
- somite_29
- hasPart
- neural_lumen
- hasPart
- basal_plate_of_myelencephalon
- hasPart
- splenic_vein
- hasPart
- trigeminal_nerve_V_right_and_left
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_middle_lobe_of_right_lung
- hasPart
- bronchi
- hasPart
- artery_of_upper_and_lower_limb
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_derived_from_somites
- hasPart
- surface_ectoderm_of_medial_nasal_process
- hasPart
- vein
- hasPart
- umbilical_vein
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_handplate
- hasPart
- cardinal_veins
- hasPart
- auricular_region_of_left_part_of_common_atrial_chamber
- hasPart
- hypothalamus_primordium
- hasPart
- paravertebral_ganglia
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_cranial_lobe_of_left_lung
- hasPart
- naso-lacrimal_groove
- hasPart
- common_atrial_chamber
- hasPart
- mesentery_of_heart
- hasPart
- frontal_process_of_frontonasal_process
- hasPart
- amniotic_ectoderm_of_umbilical_cord
- hasPart
- serratus_anterior_pre-muscle_mass
- hasPart
- optic_stalk
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_maxillary_process
- hasPart
- primitive_pelvis_of_ureter
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_lower_leg
- hasPart
- right_part_of_common_atrial_chamber
- hasPart
- alar_plate_of_metencephalon
- hasPart
- basioccipital_pre-cartilage_condensation
- hasPart
- intercostal_artery
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_pyloric_part_of_stomach
- hasPart
- facial_nerve_VII
- hasPart
- urogenital_sinus
- hasPart
- epithelium_of_utricle
- hasPart
- somite_32
- hasPart
- left_part_of_ventricle
- hasPart
- marginal_vein_of_lower_limb
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_main_bronchus_of_left_lung
- hasPart
- medulla_oblongata
- hasPart
- mesothelium_of_future_greater_sac
- hasPart
- endothelium_of_accessory_lobe_of_right_lung
- hasPart
- equatorial_epithelium_of_lens_vesicle
- hasPart
- superior_parathyroid_gland
- hasPart
- pharyngeal_branches_of_glossopharyngeal_nerve_IX
- hasPart
- abducent_nerve_VI
- hasPart
- oronasal_cavity
- hasPart
- endodermal_epithelium_of_inferior_parathyroid_gland
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_cranial_lobe_of_right_lung
- hasPart
- common_cardinal_vein_
- hasPart
- ventricular_layer_of_cerebellum
- hasPart
- marginal_layer_of_metencephalon
- hasPart
- ventricular_sulci_of_third_ventricle
- hasPart
- cervical_plexus
- hasPart
- hyaloid_vascular_plexus
- hasPart
- vagal_ganglion_X
- hasPart
- leg
- hasPart
- lower_leg
- hasPart
- endodermal_epithelium_of_superior_parathyroid_gland
- hasPart
- digital_region
- hasPart
- intermediate_layer_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- fissure_of_optic_stalk
- hasPart
- third_pharyngeal_pouch
- hasPart
- intermediate_layer_of_myelencephalon
- hasPart
- deep_fibular_nerve
- hasPart
- ventral_thalamus_primordium
- hasPart
- falciform_hepatic_ligament
- hasPart
- copula
- hasPart
- somite_24
- hasPart
- pia_mater_of_meninges_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- arteries_of_extraembryonic_component
- hasPart
- muscle
- hasPart
- dorsal_mesentery_of_loop_of_midgut
- hasPart
- endodermal_epithelium_of_lateral_lingual_swelling
- hasPart
- future_dentate_area
- hasPart
- eye
- hasPart
- duodenum_of_midgut
- hasPart
- petrosal_part_of_temporal_bone
- hasPart
- ventral_bud_of_pancreas_primordium
- hasPart
- mesothelium_of_amnion
- hasPart
- cavity_of_lens
- hasPart
- third_pharyngeal_arch_artery
- hasPart
- mesencephalon
- hasPart
- dorsal_aorta
- hasPart
- middle_ear
- hasPart
- gallbladder_primordium
- hasPart
- duodenum_of_foregut
- hasPart
- terminal-vomeronasal_neural_crest
- hasPart
- left_atrioventricular_canal
- hasPart
- primitive_maxillary_vein
- hasPart
- parasympathetic_ganglion
- hasPart
- rib_pre-cartilage_condensation_of_thoracic_region
- hasPart
- marginal_layer_of_future_cerebral_cortex
- hasPart
- dorsolateral_migration_pathway
- hasPart
- pia_mater_of_meninges_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- arm
- hasPart
- tympanic_nerve
- hasPart
- extra-ocular_muscles
- hasPart
- dorsal_mesentery_of_rest_of_midgut
- hasPart
- somite_22
- hasPart
- levator_scapulae_pre-muscle_mass
- hasPart
- somite_28
- hasPart
- coeliac_trunk
- hasPart
- urorectal_septum
- hasPart
- maxillary_process
- hasPart
- sulcus_limitans_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- parietal_pericardium
- hasPart
- dorsal_bud_of_pancreas_primordium
- hasPart
- vagus_nerve_X_right_and_left
- hasPart
- roof_plate_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- nephric_duct
- hasPart
- trunk_mesenchyme
- hasPart
- pectoral_pre-muscle_mass
- hasPart
- epithelium_of_saccule
- hasPart
- mesothelium_of_future_lesser_sac
- hasPart
- endothelium_of_cranial_lobe_of_left_lung
- hasPart
- caecum
- hasPart
- tectum_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- knee
- hasPart
- isthmus_of_thyroid_gland
- hasPart
- teres_major_pre-muscle_mass
- hasPart
- deltoid_pre-muscle_mass
- hasPart
- meninx_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- meninx_of_rhombencephalon
- hasPart
- dorsal_root_ganglion
- hasPart
- greater_petrosal_nerve_of_facial_nerve
- hasPart
- epithelium_of_elbow
- hasPart
- endodermal_epithelium_of_rest_of_midgut
- hasPart
- parietal_mesothelium_of_future_lesser_sac
- hasPart
- primary_meninx_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- blood_vessels_of_tertiary_chorionic_villi
- hasPart
- femoral_nerve
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_endolymphatic_appendage
- hasPart
- inferior_part_of_ganglion_of_vestibulocochlear_nerve
- hasPart
- ventricles
- hasPart
- cytotrophoblastic_cell_column
- hasPart
- nasal_process
- hasPart
- primitive_maxillary_artery
- hasPart
- pleuroperitoneal_coelom
- hasPart
- primitive_internal_jugular_vein
- hasPart
- posterior_cardinal_vein
- hasPart
- endocardial_tissue_of_auricular_region_of_right_part_of_common_atrial_chamber
- hasPart
- pleuroperitoneal_folds_of_future_diaphragm
- hasPart
- muscle_of_eye
- hasPart
- atrium_of_heart
- hasPart
- auricular_hillocks_of_first_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- future_epithelial_lamina
- hasPart
- parasympathetic_nerve_system_element
- hasPart
- veins_of_extraembryonic_component
- hasPart
- oral_region
- hasPart
- phrenic_nerve
- hasPart
- nasal_epithelium
- hasPart
- anal_pit
- hasPart
- maxillary_nerve
- hasPart
- thymus_primordium
- hasPart
- ventral_primary_ramus_of_spinal_nerve
- hasPart
- future_olfactory_tubercle
- hasPart
- tunica_vasculosa_lentis
- hasPart
- future_greater_sac
- hasPart
- dorsal_mesentery_of_foregut-midgut_junction
- hasPart
- aortic_sac
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_copula
- hasPart
- foramen_secundum
- hasPart
- meninx_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_rectum
- hasPart
- nose
- hasPart
- surface_ectoderm_of_frontal_process
- hasPart
- median_lingual_swelling_of_third_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- middle_cerebral_artery_right_and_left
- hasPart
- caudal_lobe_of_left_lung
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_oesophagus
- hasPart
- dorsal_mesentery_of_caecum
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_derived_from_neural_crest_of_trunk
- hasPart
- cerebral_hemispheres_right_and_left
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_gonadal_ridge
- hasPart
- external_oblique_pre-muscle_mass
- hasPart
- artery_of_trunk
- hasPart
- spinal_neural_crest_of_trunk_mesenchyme
- hasPart
- hepatic_sinusoids_of_left_lobe_of_liver
- hasPart
- radial_nerve
- hasPart
- vertebral_pre-cartilage_condensation_of_lumbar_region
- hasPart
- musculocutaneous_nerve
- hasPart
- oral_epithelium
- hasPart
- non-hepatic_component_of_septum_transversum
- hasPart
- hypoglossal_nerve_XII
- hasPart
- ectoderm
- hasPart
- ventricular_layer_of_future_cerebral_cortex
- hasPart
- middle_dural_stem_vein
- hasPart
- handplate
- hasPart
- epiploic_foramen
- hasPart
- intermediate_layer_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- meninx_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- right_atrio-ventricular_canal
- hasPart
- interventricular_sulcus
- hasPart
- inferior_epigastric_artery
- hasPart
- anterior_root_of_spinal_nerve
- hasPart
- pulmonary_veins
- hasPart
- pulmonary_plexus_anterior_and_posterior
- hasPart
- cranial_skeletal_muscle
- hasPart
- second_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- foramen_caecum_of_tongue
- hasPart
- endocardial_lining_of_right_part_of_ventricle
- hasPart
- semilunar_valves
- hasPart
- endothelium_of_caudal_lobe_of_right_lung
- hasPart
- obturator_nerve
- hasPart
- inferior_ganglion_of_vagus
- hasPart
- fourth_pharyngeal_arch_artery
- hasPart
- common_iliac_artery
- hasPart
- future_inferior_vena_cava
- hasPart
- somite_20
- hasPart
- visceral_mesothelium_of_future_pleural_sacs
- hasPart
- endothelium_of_caudal_lobe_of_left_lung
- hasPart
- lingual_swelling_of_second_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- cricoid_pre-cartilage_condensation
- hasPart
- left_lobe_of_liver
- hasPart
- parenchyma_of_left_lobe_of_liver
- hasPart
- primitive_straight_sinus
- hasPart
- hyoid_pre-muscle_mass
- hasPart
- aortico-pulmonary_spiral_septum
- hasPart
- right_umbilical_artery
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_forearm
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_medial_nasal_process
- hasPart
- septum_primum
- hasPart
- sympathetic_trunk
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_utricle
- hasPart
- remnant_of_mandibular_artery
- hasPart
- cytotrophoblast
- hasPart
- spinal_nerve
- hasPart
- ampullary_branches_of_vestibular_nerve
- hasPart
- somite_25
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_lateral_lingual_swelling
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_footplate
- hasPart
- midgut
- hasPart
- amygdaloid_area_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- ophthalmic_nerve
- hasPart
- endodermal_epithelium_of_oesophagus
- hasPart
- interventricular_septum
- hasPart
- somite_26
- hasPart
- laryngeal_pre-cartilage_condensation
- hasPart
- future_tongue
- hasPart
- somite_21
- hasPart
- truncus_arteriosus
- hasPart
- muscularis_of_bronchus
- hasPart
- medial_lobar_bronchus
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_caudal_lobe_of_right_lung
- hasPart
- lateral_ventricle
- hasPart
- myocardium_of_auricular_region_of_right_part_of_common_atrial_chamber
- hasPart
- humerus_pre-cartilage_condensation
- hasPart
- accessory_nerve_XI
- hasPart
- somite_33
- hasPart
- axillary_nerve
- hasPart
- dorsal_thalamus_primordium
- hasPart
- ventricular_layer_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_superior_part_of_duodenum
- hasPart
- lateral_ventricular_eminence_of_future_corpus_striatum
- hasPart
- endodermal_epithelium_of_caudal_part_of_duodenum_of_midgut
- hasPart
- left_dorsal_aorta
- hasPart
- dermatome_of_trunk_mesenchyme
- hasPart
- vertebral_pre-cartilage_condensation_of_cervical_region
- hasPart
- blood_vessels_of_extraembryonic_component
- hasPart
- pharyngeal_artery_4
- hasPart
- forearm
- hasPart
- telepharyngeal_body
- hasPart
- ganglion
- hasPart
- lingual_branches_of_glossopharyngeal_nerve_IX
- hasPart
- main_bronchus_of_right_lung
- hasPart
- intersegmental_veins
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_auditory_hillocks
- hasPart
- alar_column
- hasPart
- visceral_pericardium
- hasPart
- bulbar_ridge
- hasPart
- superior_ganglion_of_glossopharyngeal_nerve
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_median_lingual_swelling_of_third_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- amniotic_ectoderm
- hasPart
- upper_limb_bud
- hasPart
- aqueduct_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- anal_region
- hasPart
- non-tubular_part_of_mesonephros
- hasPart
- anterior_dural_stem_vein
- hasPart
- rest_of_midgut
- hasPart
- gonadal_ridge_primordium
- hasPart
- cystic_duct
- hasPart
- hyoid_artery
- hasPart
- myocardium_of_right_part_of_common_atrial_chamber
- hasPart
- foregut-midgut_junction
- hasPart
- arytenoid_swellings
- hasPart
- marginal_layer_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- heart
- hasPart
- anterior_dural_plexus_vein
- hasPart
- infundibular_recess_of_third_ventricle
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_upper_leg
- hasPart
- ventral_mesentery_of_rest_of_midgut
- hasPart
- marginal_layer_of_neural_tube
- hasPart
- pharyngeal_membrane_of_second_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_shoulder
- hasPart
- lens_vesicle
- hasPart
- fundus_of_stomach
- hasPart
- footplate
- hasPart
- sclerotome_of_trunk_mesenchyme
- hasPart
- supra-optic_recess
- hasPart
- external_ear
- hasPart
- myocardium_of_right_part_of_ventricle
- hasPart
- amnion
- hasPart
- anterior_epithelium_of_lens_vesicle
- hasPart
- neural_tube
- hasPart
- lateral_lingual_swelling
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_caudal_part_of_duodenum_of_midgut
- hasPart
- hindgut
- hasPart
- part_of_primitive_nephron
- hasPart
- geniculate_ganglion_of_facial_nerve_VII
- hasPart
- ectodermal_ring
- hasPart
- tibial_nerve
- hasPart
- marginal_vein_of_upper_limb
- hasPart
- cranial_lobe_of_left_lung
- hasPart
- right_posthepatic_part_of_future_inferior_vena_cava
- hasPart
- superior_ganglion_of_vagus
- hasPart
- septum_secundum
- hasPart
- future_basilar_artery
- hasPart
- intraretinal_space
- hasPart
- floor_plate_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- coccygeal_artery
- hasPart
- oesophagus
- hasPart
- parietal_mesothelium_of_pleuroperitoneal_canals
- hasPart
- vestibular_nerve
- hasPart
- fourth_pharyngeal_pouch
- hasPart
- head_mesenchyme
- hasPart
- pericardio-peritoneal_coelom
- hasPart
- parietal_mesothelium_of_future_greater_sac
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_elbow
- hasPart
- cochlear_nerve
- hasPart
- artery_of_head_and_neck
- hasPart
- left_venous_valve
- hasPart
- vertebral_pre-cartilage_condensation_of_thoracic_region
- hasPart
- outflow_tract_of_heart
- hasPart
- hyaloid_cavity
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_rest_of_stomach
- hasPart
- endodermal_epithelium_of_gastric_fundus
- hasPart
- allantois
- hasPart
- ramus_communicans
- hasPart
- sulcus_limitans_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- latissimus_dorsi_pre-muscle_mass
- hasPart
- marginal_layer_of_cerebellum
- hasPart
- endodermal_epithelium_of_loop_of_midgut
- hasPart
- vein_of_head_and_neck
- hasPart
- ventricular_layer_of_metencephalon
- hasPart
- trigeminal_ganglion_V
- hasPart
- somite_39
- hasPart
- mammary_crest
- hasPart
- ventral_mesentery_of_foregut-midgut_junction
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_loop_of_midgut
- hasPart
- future_diaphragm
- hasPart
- visceral_mesothelium_of_pericardial_component
- hasPart
- future_rhombic_lip
- hasPart
- ventral_migration_pathway
- hasPart
- rhomboid_pre-muscle_mass
- hasPart
- medial_ventricular_eminence_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- dorsal_mesogastrium
- hasPart
- peripheral_nerve_system_element
- hasPart
- descending_aorta
- hasPart
- apical_ectodermal_ridge_of_lower_limb_bud
- hasPart
- future_corpus_striatum
- hasPart
- trapezius_pre-muscle_mass
- hasPart
- pharynx
- hasPart
- thyroid_lobe
- hasPart
- chorionic_mesoderm
- hasPart
- thoracic_aorta
- hasPart
- interosseal_artery
- hasPart
- epithelium_of_carpal_region
- hasPart
- medial_sulcus
- hasPart
- somite_27
- hasPart
- inferior_parathyroid_gland
- hasPart
- medial_nasal_process
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_rest_of_hindgut
- hasPart
- external_intercostal_pre-muscle_mass
- hasPart
- future_tentorium_cerebelli
- hasPart
- stapes_pre-cartilage_condensation
- hasPart
- primitive_marginal_sinus
- hasPart
- cerebellar_artery
- hasPart
- future_cerebral_cortex
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_hip
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_middle_ear
- hasPart
- suprascapular_nerve
- hasPart
- posterior_root_of_spinal_nerve
- hasPart
- primitive_subclavian_vein
- hasPart
- pyloric_part_of_stomach
- hasPart
- allantois_of_umbilical_cord
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_median_lingual_swelling_of_first_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- somite_34
- hasPart
- somite_30
- hasPart
- distal_plexus_of_arteries_of_lower_limbs
- hasPart
- primitive_ophthalmic_artery
- hasPart
- septum_transversum_of_future_diaphragm
- hasPart
- epithelium_of_main_bronchus_of_right_lung
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_gastric_fundus
- hasPart
- thyroglossal_duct
- hasPart
- endodermal_epithelium_of_telepharyngeal_body
- hasPart
- hip
- hasPart
- cranial_nerve
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_foregut-midgut_junction
- hasPart
- epithelium_of_cochlear_duct
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_umbilical_cord
- hasPart
- future_anterior_cutaneous_ramus_of_spinal_nerve
- hasPart
- gut
- hasPart
- pleuroperitoneal_canal_of_future_diaphragm
- hasPart
- valves_of_heart
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_mandibular_process
- hasPart
- auricular_hillocks_of_second_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- somite_37
- hasPart
- future_ductus_venosus
- hasPart
- ciliary_ganglion
- hasPart
- inferior_mesenteric_artery
- hasPart
- posterior_communicating_artery
- hasPart
- sulcus_limitans_of_neural_tube
- hasPart
- spinal_root_of_accessory_nerve
- hasPart
- right_venous_valve
- hasPart
- dorsal_pharyngeal_vein
- hasPart
- pulmonary_component
- hasPart
- primary_meninx_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- trachea
- hasPart
- marginal_layer_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- skeletal_muscle_of_anterior_abdominal_wall
- hasPart
- scapula_pre-cartilage_condensation
- hasPart
- lateral_wall_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- left_lobe_of_thyroid_gland
- hasPart
- pericardial_cavity
- hasPart
- floor_plate_of_neural_tube
- hasPart
- mesentery_of_stomach
- hasPart
- ganglion_of_vestibulocochlear_nerve_VIII
- hasPart
- Meckels_cartilage_pre-cartilage_condensation
- hasPart
- endocardial_lining_of_left_part_of_ventricle
- hasPart
- ulnar_nerve
- hasPart
- cavity_of_future_greater_sac
- hasPart
- adenohypophysis_primordium
- hasPart
- chorionic_cavity
- hasPart
- lower_limb_bud
- hasPart
- vein_of_upper_and_lower_limb
- hasPart
- endodermal_epithelium_of_rest_of_hindgut
- hasPart
- intermediate_layer_of_cerebellum
- hasPart
- auricular_region_of_right_part_of_common_atrial_chamber
- hasPart
- liver
- hasPart
- future_filum_terminale
- hasPart
- lingual_swelling_of_third_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- intermediate_layer_of_future_cerebral_cortex
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_lateral_nasal_process
- hasPart
- skeletal_muscle_of_axial_muscle
- hasPart
- cervical_sinus
- hasPart
- medial_ventricular_eminence_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- primordium_of_sphenopalatine_ganglion
- hasPart
- artery
- hasPart
- rest_of_hindgut
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_caecum
- hasPart
- telencephalic_part_of_interventricular_foramen
- hasPart
- primitive_prevertebral_ganglia
- hasPart
- bronchial_cartilage
- hasPart
- apical_ectodermal_ridge_of_upper_limb_bud
- hasPart
- upper_leg
- hasPart
- ventral_pancreatic_duct
- hasPart
- vitelline_vein
- hasPart
- femoral_artery
- hasPart
- primitive_olfactory_artery
- hasPart
- femur_pre-cartilage_condensation
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_thymus_primordium
- hasPart
- extraembryonic_component
- hasPart
- somite_36
- hasPart
- first_pharyngeal_pouch
- hasPart
- glands_of_foregut-midgut_junction
- hasPart
- floating_villi
- hasPart
- infundibular_recess_of_third_ventricle_of_pituitary_gland
- hasPart
- ventricular_layer_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- intersubcardinal_anastomosis
- hasPart
- rest_of_stomach
- hasPart
- primitive_ureter
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_main_bronchus_of_right_lung
- hasPart
- pre-cartilage_condensation_of_hyoid_bone
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_telepharyngeal_body
- hasPart
- neural_crest_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- rectum
- hasPart
- mesothelium_of_pericardial_component
- hasPart
- ventral_mesentery_of_loop_of_midgut
- hasPart
- frontonasal_process
- hasPart
- subclavian_artery
- hasPart
- hepatic_component_of_septum_transversum
- hasPart
- carpal_region
- hasPart
- endothelium_of_secondary_yolk_sac_remnant
- hasPart
- anterior_cerebral_artery_right_and_left
- hasPart
- primary_meninx_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- umbilical_cord
- hasPart
- erector_spinae_pre-muscle_mass
- hasPart
- sterno-mastoid_pre-muscle_mass
- hasPart
- pancreas_primordium
- hasPart
- spinal_pia_mater
- hasPart
- inferior_laryngeal_nerve
- hasPart
- sympathetic_ganglion
- hasPart
- roof_plate_of_neural_tube
- hasPart
- pulmonary_trunk
- hasPart
- third_ventricle
- hasPart
- somite_38
- hasPart
- ear
- hasPart
- parenchyma_of_right_lobe_of_liver
- hasPart
- utricle
- hasPart
- epithalamus_primordium
- hasPart
- secondary_yolk_sac_remnant
- hasPart
- future_lesser_sac
- hasPart
- endocardial_lining_of_right_part_of_common_atrial_chamber
- hasPart
- myotome_of_trunk_mesenchyme
- hasPart
- neural_crest_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- mesothelium_of_secondary_yolk_sac_remnant
- hasPart
- surface_ectoderm_of_lateral_nasal_process
- hasPart
- endodermal_epithelium_of_rectum
- hasPart
- spinal_cord
- hasPart
- tegmentum_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_derived_from_neural_crest_of_head_mesenchyme
- hasPart
- primitive_cornea
- hasPart
- lamina_terminalis_of_medial_and_inferior_surfaces
- hasPart
- amniotic_cavity
- hasPart
- diencephalon
- hasPart
- anchoring_villi
- hasPart
- future_superior_cerebellar_artery
- hasPart
- cranial_root_of_accessory_nerve
- hasPart
- cavity_of_future_lesser_sac
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_superior_parathyroid_gland
- hasPart
- endothelium_of_cranial_lobe_of_right_lung
- hasPart
- pia_mater_of_meninges_of_rhombencephalon
- hasPart
- epithelium_of_endolymphatic_appendage
- hasPart
- saccule
- hasPart
- pulmonary_valve
- hasPart
- transverse_pericardial_sinus
- hasPart
- endodermal_epithelium_of_median_lingual_swelling_of_third_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- primary_head_vein
- hasPart
- cavity_of_future_pleural_sacs
- hasPart
- lung
- hasPart
- epithelium_of_footplate
- hasPart
- mesenteric_vein
- hasPart
- pharyngeal_artery_3
- hasPart
- distal_plexus_of_arteries_of_upper_limb
- hasPart
- tertiary_villi
- hasPart
- endodermal_epithelium_of_pharynx
- hasPart
- cytotrophoblastic_shell
- hasPart
- brachial_plexus
- hasPart
- mandibular_process
- hasPart
- surface_ectoderm
- hasPart
- mesenteric_artery
- hasPart
- ischiadic_artery
- hasPart
- hypothalamic_sulcus
- hasPart
- vascular_element_of_right_lung_rudiment
- hasPart
- retina
- hasPart
- primary_meninx_of_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- hippocampus_primordium
- hasPart
- neurohypophysial_primordium
- hasPart
- right_superior_lobar_bronchus
- hasPart
- pia-arachnoid_veins
- hasPart
- ventricular_layer_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- radius-ulna_pre-cartilage_condensation
- hasPart
- third_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- marginal_layer_of_myelencephalon
- hasPart
- alar_plate_of_myelencephalon
- hasPart
- part_of_pericardium
- hasPart
- external_iliac_artery_right_and_left
- hasPart
- endodermal_epithelium_of_foregut-midgut_junction
- hasPart
- superior_mesenteric_vein
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_inferior_parathyroid_gland
- hasPart
- right_hepatic_duct
- hasPart
- sulcus_limitans_of_metencephalon
- hasPart
- inferior_ganglion_of_glossopharyngeal_nerve
- hasPart
- telencephalon_medium
- hasPart
- ventricular_layer_of_myelencephalon
- hasPart
- auditory_hillocks
- hasPart
- future_olfactory_area
- hasPart
- transversospinalis_pre-muscle_mass
- hasPart
- chorion
- hasPart
- dorsal_mesoduodenum_of_midgut
- hasPart
- perioptic_mesenchyme
- hasPart
- bronchial_tree
- hasPart
- temporal_bone
- hasPart
- epiphysis
- hasPart
- tubule_of_primitive_nephron
- hasPart
- cochlear_duct
- hasPart
- chiasmatic_plate_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- surface_epithelium_of_primitive_cornea
- hasPart
- lesser_omentum
- hasPart
- endodermal_epithelium_of_pyloric_part_of_stomach
- hasPart
- dorsal_mesocardium
- hasPart
- first_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- cranial_sensory_ganglion
- hasPart
- lateral_wall_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- aortic_valve
- hasPart
- left_inferior_lobar_bronchus
- hasPart
- lateral_wall_of_neural_tube
- hasPart
- chorionic_plate
- hasPart
- oculomotor_nerve_III
- hasPart
- nerve
- hasPart
- future_common_hepatic_duct
- hasPart
- epithelium_of_first_pharyngeal_membrane_of_ear
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_frontal_process
- hasPart
- median_lingual_swelling_of_first_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- shoulder
- hasPart
- subthalamus
- hasPart
- lingual_swelling_of_first_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- interatrial_septum
- hasPart
- future_lateral_cutaneous_ramus_of_spinal_nerve
- hasPart
- blood_vessel
- hasPart
- right_lung
- hasPart
- pericardium
- hasPart
- cerebellum
- hasPart
- myocardium_of_left_part_of_ventricle
- hasPart
- somite_31
- hasPart
- future_amygdala_of_telencephalon
- hasPart
- myocardium_of_left_part_of_common_atrial_chamber
- hasPart
- choledochal_duct
- hasPart
- hilus_of_left_lung
- hasPart
- metanephros
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_carpal_region
- hasPart
- caudal_lobe_of_right_lung
- hasPart
- superior_mesenteric_artery
- hasPart
- intermediate_layer_of_metencephalon
- hasPart
- prosencephalon
- hasPart
- right_lobe_of_thyroid_gland
- hasPart
- somite_35
- hasPart
- genital_tubercle
- hasPart
- spinal_artery
- hasPart
- diencephalic_part_of_interventricular_foramen
- hasPart
- marginal_layer_of_diencephalon
- hasPart
- intraembryonic_coelom
- hasPart
- recurrent_laryngeal_nerve_right_and_left
- hasPart
- future_pleural_sacs
- hasPart
- primary_lens_fibres
- hasPart
- fourth_ventricle
- hasPart
- future_pons
- hasPart
- basal_plate_of_metencephalon
- hasPart
- ventral_pharyngeal_vein
- hasPart
- vascular_element_of_left_lung_rudiment
- hasPart
- cerebral_veins
- hasPart
- glossopharyngeal_nerve_IX
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_knee
- hasPart
- stomach
- hasPart
- dorsal_mesoduodenum_of_foregut
- hasPart
- craniospinal_ganglion
- hasPart
- superior_recess_of_future_lesser_sac
- hasPart
- umbilical_artery
- hasPart
- pharyngeal_cleft_of_first_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- caudal_part_of_duodenum_of_midgut_
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_caudal_lobe_of_left_lung
- hasPart
- mesoblastic_core_of_tertiary_villi
- hasPart
- endodermal_epithelium_of_caecum
- hasPart
- abdominal_aorta
- hasPart
- right_dorsal_aorta
- hasPart
- right_part_of_ventricle
- hasPart
- vestibular_area
- hasPart
- lumbosacral_plexus
- hasPart
- parasympathetic_root_of_pelvic_ganglia
- hasPart
- posterior_dural_stem_vein
- hasPart
- cerebral_artery
- hasPart
- endodermal_epithelium_of_superior_part_of_duodenum
- hasPart
- primary_meninx_of_rhombencephalon
- hasPart
- ventral_mesogastrium
- hasPart
- chondrocranium
- hasPart
- mandibular_nerve
- hasPart
- skeletal_muscle_of_pectoral_girdle_and_thoracic_body_wall
- hasPart
- mesonephric_artery
- hasPart
- choroid_fissure
- hasPart
- superior_laryngeal_nerve
- hasPart
- mesothelium_of_future_pleural_sacs
- hasPart
- parenchyma_of_ventral_bud_of_pancreas_primordium
- hasPart
- atrio-ventricular_canal
- hasPart
- hepatic_vein_plexus
- hasPart
- endocardial_cushion_tissue
- hasPart
- upper_arm
- hasPart
- lateral_nasal_process
- hasPart
- pia_mater_of_meninges_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- endolymphatic_appendage
- hasPart
- epiploic_foramen_of_stomach
- hasPart
- cloacal_membrane
- hasPart
- umbilical_vein_of_extraembryonic_component
- hasPart
- mesentery_of_superior_part_of_duodenum
- hasPart
- right_lobe_of_liver
- hasPart
- vertebral_pre-cartilage_condensation_of_sacral_region
- hasPart
- pharyngeal_membrane_of_first_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- endodermal_epithelium_of_rest_of_stomach
- hasPart
- epithelium_of_handplate
- hasPart
- endodermal_epithelium_of_median_lingual_swelling_of_second_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- sulcus_limitans_of_myelencephalon
- hasPart
- myocardium_of_auricular_region_of_left_part_of_common_atrial_chamber
- hasPart
- future_superior_longitudinal_fissure
- hasPart
- parenchyma_of_dorsal_bud_of_pancreas_primordium
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_rest_of_midgut
- hasPart
- glands_of_oral_region
- hasPart
- pharyngeal_pouch_of_second_pharyngeal_arch
- hasPart
- subcardinal_veins
- hasPart
- otic_capsule_pre-cartilage
- hasPart
- main_bronchus_of_left_lung
- hasPart
- intermediate_layer_of_neural_tube
- hasPart
- pulmonary_branches_of_vagus_nerve
- hasPart
- metencephalon
- hasPart
- hepatic_sinusoids_of_right_lobe_of_liver
- hasPart
- primary_veins_of_lower_limbs
- hasPart
- loop_of_midgut
- hasPart
- left_umbilical_artery
- hasPart
- hilus_of_right_lung
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_saccule
- hasPart
- thyroid_gland
- hasPart
- future_thalamus
- hasPart
- associated_mesenchyme_of_cochlear_duct
- hasPart
- mammillary_area_of_hypothalamus_primordium
- hasPart
- septum_transversum
- hasPart
- lumen_of_nephric_duct
- hasPart
- left_superior_lobar_bronchus
- hasPart
- common_fibular_nerve
- hasPart
- cranial_nerve_nuclei_of_mesencephalon
- hasPart
- sympathetic_nerve_system_element
- hasPart
- telencephalon
- hasPart
- foregut