name Carnegie_Stage_6a namespace parent developmental_stage speciesNo [] 86 name [] Carnegie Stage 6a feature [] formation of chorionic villi, which finally anchor the embryo in the uterus and allow a stable exchange of gases and nutrients between mother and embryo; yolk sac begins to produce blood-cells; embryo is attached to the placenta by a stalk (is later part of the umbilical cord) label [en] Carnegie_Stage_6a age [] 13 -14dpo onweb [] 1 stageNo [] 11 ACC [] cy0000009 hasPart secondary_yolk_sac hasPart trophoblastic_lacunae hasPart extraembryonic_component hasPart primary_villi hasPart angiogenic_cell_strands hasPart blood_islands hasPart mesoderm hasPart extraembryonic_mesoderm_of_secondary_yolk_sac hasPart amniotic_ectoderm hasPart amniotic_duct hasPart mesenchyme_of_connecting_stalk hasPart epiblast hasPart amnion hasPart connecting_stalk hasPart chorionic_cavity hasPart exocoelomic_vesicles hasPart bilaminar_germ_disc hasPart secondary_yolk_sac_cavity hasPart chorionic_mesoderm hasPart hypoblast hasPart endoderm_of_secondary_yolk_sac hasPart part_of_trilaminar_germ_disc hasPart chorion hasPart maternal_sinusoids hasPart endoderm hasPart mesoblastic_core_of_primary_villi hasPart cytotrophoblast isPartOf part_of_bilaminar_germ_disc hasPart amniotic_cavity hasPart Heusers_membrane hasPart syncytiotrophoblast hasPart amniotic_mesoderm