- onweb
- [] 1
- speciesNo
- [] 86
- feature
- [] the thickened ectoderm is called neural plate, the folding begins by first building a neural groove and later on a neural tube; first blood cells are fully developed and endothelial cells begin with the formation of small capillaries; size:1 to 1.5 mm
- [] cy0011129
- age
- [] 17-19 dpo
- t1
- [] 17
- name
- [] Carnegie Stage 8
- stageNo
- [] 14
- t2
- [] 19
- label
- [en] Carnegie_Stage_8
- hasPart
- prechordal_plate
- hasPart
- amniotic_mesoderm
- hasPart
- chorionic_cavity
- hasPart
- floating_villi
- hasPart
- chorionic_mesoderm
- hasPart
- amniotic_duct
- hasPart
- notochordal_process
- hasPart
- primitive_groove
- hasPart
- neural_groove
- hasPart
- syncytiotrophoblast
- hasPart
- head_mesenchyme
- hasPart
- neural_ectoderm
- hasPart
- blood_vessels_of_connecting_stalk
- hasPart
- neural_groove_of_future_spinal_cord
- hasPart
- allantois
- hasPart
- mesothelium_of_secondary_yolk_sac
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_secondary_yolk_sac
- hasPart
- neural_plate
- hasPart
- amniotic_ectoderm
- hasPart
- secondary_yolk_sac
- hasPart
- primitive_node
- hasPart
- pronephros
- hasPart
- cytotrophoblast
- hasPart
- blood_vessels_of_tertiary_chorionic_villi
- hasPart
- mesoderm
- hasPart
- blood_islands
- hasPart
- cloacal_membrane
- hasPart
- maternal_sinusoids
- hasPart
- non-neural_ectoderm
- hasPart
- mesenchyme_of_connecting_stalk
- hasPart
- intraembryonic_coelom
- hasPart
- intervillous_space
- hasPart
- component_of_pronephros
- hasPart
- endoderm_of_secondary_yolk_sac
- hasPart
- mesoblastic_core_of_tertiary_villi
- hasPart
- ectoderm
- hasPart
- chorionic_plate
- hasPart
- cytotrophoblastic_shell
- hasPart
- primitive_streak
- hasPart
- chorion
- hasPart
- tertiary_villi
- hasPart
- stomach_primordium
- hasPart
- neurenteric_canal
- hasPart
- amnion
- hasPart
- anchoring_villi
- hasPart
- extraembryonic_component
- hasPart
- notochord_canal
- hasPart
- allantoenteric_diverticulum_of_secondary_yolk_sac
- hasPart
- part_of_trilaminar_germ_disc
- hasPart
- endoderm
- hasPart
- primitive_pit
- hasPart
- notochordal_plate
- hasPart
- secondary_yolk_sac_cavity
- hasPart
- amniotic_cavity
- hasPart
- connecting_stalk
- hasPart
- mesothelium_of_connecting_stalk