name accessory_hemiazygos_vein namespace parent vein_of_trunk organNo [] 409 speciesNo [] 86 comment [de] Ast der Vena hemiazygos; verläuft links neben den Brustwirbelkörpern nach oben; Äste: obere Venae mediastinales; Sammelgebiet: obere linke Interkostalräume, oberer linker Bereich des hinteren Mediastinums nameMedicineSynonym [] annotationRemark [] comment [en] Formed by the union of the fourth to seventh left posterior intercostal veins, passes along the side of the bodies of the fifth, sixth, and seventh thoracic vertebrae, then crosses the midline behind the aorta, oesophagus, and thoracic duct, and empties into the azygos vein, sometimes in common with the hemiazygos vein label [en] accessory hemiazygos vein label [med] Vena hemiazygos accessoria ACC [] cy0000235 label [de] nameEnglishSynonym [] accessory hemi-azygos vein, superior hemi-azygos vein nameGermanSynonym [] isPartOf isPartOf azygos_vein