name aggregated_lymphoid_follicles_of_small_intestine namespace parent aggregated_lymphoid_follicles child solitary_lymphoid_nodules_of_small_intestine child Peyers_patches_in_small_intestine comment [de] dichtgehäufte Ansammlungen von Lymphfollikeln unter der Schleimhaut des Krummdarms, Funktion bei der lokalen Immunität als Bestandteil des Immunsystems nameMedicineSynonym [] Folliculi lymphatici aggregati intestini tenuis label [de] Peyer-Plaques label [med] Noduli lymphoidei aggregati intestini tenuis nameEnglishSynonym [] aggregated lymphatic follicles of small intestine, Peyer's patches of small intestine, agmen peyerianum, agminate glands, Peyer's glands comment [en] Collections of many lymphoid follicles closely packed together, forming oblong elevations on the mucous membrane of the small intestine speciesNo [] 86 ACC [] cy0004100 organNo [] 23748 label [en] aggregated lymphoid nodules of small intestine annotationRemark [] dka isPartOf mucosa_of_small_intestine isPartOf small_intestine hasCell