name angular_artery namespace parent artery_of_eye label [de] Augenwinkel-Arterie label [en] angular artery label [med] Arteria angularis comment [en] The terminal branch of the facial artery; distribution: muscles and skin of side of the nose; anastomoses: lateral nasal and dorsal artery of nose and palpebrals from the ophthalmic artery, thereby providing an external-internal carotid arterial anastomosis comment [de] Endast der Arteria facialis, verläuft entlang der Nase zum inneren Augenwinkel; Versorgungsgebiet: Gebiet des inneren Augenwinkels hasOriginIn facial_artery supplies levator_anguli_oris_muscle isPartOf supplies levator_labii_superioris_muscle isPartOf adult supplies nasal_muscle supplies levator_labii_superioris_alaeque_nasi_muscle