name anterior_cerebral_artery_right_and_left namespace parent artery_of_brain label [en] anterior cerebral artery (right and left) nameEnglishSynonym [] label [de] vordere Gehirnschlagader (rechte und linke) annotationRemark [] label [med] Arteria cerebri anterior (dexter et sinister) organNo [] 412 speciesNo [] 86 nameGermanSynonym [] vordere Großhirn-Arterie, vordere Gehirnarterie, vordere Großhirnarterie ACC [] cy0000236 comment [de] der schwächere Endast der Arteria carotis interna; verläuft vor dem Chiasma opticum zwischen die Großhirnhemisphären, dann zu Balkenknie und Balkenoberfläche; gibt Äste ab an Stirnlappen und Scheitellappen und Nucleus lentiformis; Versorgungsgebiet: Balken, mediale Teile des Stirnlappens und Scheitellappens, Thalamus (Sehhügel) und Striatum (Streifenhügel), Auge comment [en] Origin: internal carotid artery; it passes anterior, loops around the genu of the corpus callosum, then posteriorly in the interhemispheric fissure along with its fellow of the opposite side, the two being joined by the anterior communicating artery; the precommunical part supplies the thalamus and the corpus striatum; the postcommunical part supplies the cortex of the medial parts of the frontal and parietal lobes nameMedicineSynonym [] isPartOf isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_20 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_17 hasOriginIn internal_carotid_artery_of_cerebral_arterial_circle hasPart postcommunicating_part_of_anterior_cerebral_artery isOriginOf anterior_communicating_artery isPartOf artery_of_head_and_neck isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_16 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_18 hasPart precommunicating_part_of_anterior_cerebral_artery isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_19