name anterior_papillary_muscle_of_right_ventricle namespace parent muscle_of_heart parent part_of_papillary_muscles_of_right_ventricle parent smooth_muscle label [en] anterior papillary muscle of right ventricle label [de] vorderer Papillarmuskel des rechten Ventrikels organNo [] 24367 annotationRemark [] dka comment [en] The anterior papillary muscle of the right ventricle is a muscle that prohibits the trikuspidal valve from prolapse. speciesNo [] 86 label [med] Musculus papillaris cordis anterior ventriculi dextri ACC [] cy0004702 comment [de] Der vordere Papillarmuskel des rechten Ventrikels ist ein Muskel der die Trikuspidalklappe am Zürückschlagen hindert. attachedToOrigin atrium_of_heart attachedToApproach valves_of_heart isPartOf papillary_muscles_of_right_ventricle