name ascending_palatine_artery namespace parent artery_of_mouth_and_jaw label [de] aufsteigende Gaumen-Arterie comment [en] An inferior artery that arises from the facial artery and divides into two branches of which one supplies the soft palate and the palatine glands and the other supplies especially the tonsils and the eustachian tube label [med] Arteria palatina ascendens comment [de] Ast der Arteria facialis; zwischen Musculi stylopharyngeus und styloglossus in der seitlichen Schlundwand an das Gaumensegel und die Tonsilla palatina; Versorgungsgebiet: oberer Teil des Rachens, Gaumenbögen und benachbarte Muskulatur, Gaumenmandel, Ohrtrompete label [en] ascending palatine artery supplies tensor_veli_palatini_muscle supplies salpingopharyngeus_muscle supplies middle_constrictor_pharyngis_muscle supplies palatoglossus_muscle supplies inferior_constrictor_pharyngis_muscle isPartOf supplies superior_constrictor_pharyngis_muscle hasOriginIn facial_artery supplies levator_veli_palatini_muscle supplies palatopharyngeus_muscle