name associated_mesenchyme_of_future_vestibulocochlear_part namespace parent associated_mesenchyme parent part_of_vestibulocochlear_organ speciesNo [] 86 label [de] Assoziiertes Mesenchym des zukünftigen vestibulocochleären Teils. comment [en] Embryonal tissue which differentiates ino the future vestibulocochlear part. comment [de] Embryonales Bidegewebe, das den zukünftigen vestibulocochleären Teil bildet. label [en] Associated mesenchyme of future vestibulocochlear part organNo [] 82068 annotationRemark [] dka ACC [] cy0015124 label [med] Mesenchyma associata partis vestibulocochlearis futurae hasCell differentiatesInto future_vestibulocochlear_part isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_14