name auricle namespace parent part_of_external_ear label [med] Auricula nameEnglishSynonym [] Pinna ACC [] cy0015601 organNo [] 875 comment [en] The projecting shell-like structure, persisting of elastic cartilage and skin, on the side of the head constitutes with the external acoustic meatus the external ear. comment [de] Die aus elastischem Knorpel und Haut bestehende Ohrmuschel ist mit Schläfenbeinperiost verbundene. Sie bildet mit dem äußeren Gehörgang das äußere Ohr. speciesNo [] 86 label [de] Ohrmuschel annotationRemark [] label [en] Auricle hasPart auricular_tubercle_variation differentiatedFrom pre-cartilage_condensation_of_auricle hasPart scapha hasPart groove_of_crus_of_helix hasPart posterior_auricular_groove hasPart terminal_notch_of_auricle hasPart eminentia_conchae hasPart spine_of_helix hasPart eminentia_fossae_triangularis hasPart lobule_of_auricle hasPart cymba_conchae hasPart apex_of_auricle_variation isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_20 hasPart anterior_notch_of_auricle hasPart fissura_antitragohelicina hasPart supratragic_tubercle_variation hasPart crus_of_helix hasPart helix hasPart intertragic_incisure hasPart cavity_of_concha hasPart tragus hasPart isthmus_of_cartilaginous_auricle isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_19 hasPart crura_of_antihelix hasPart auditory_hillocks hasPart antihelix hasPart auricular_muscles hasPart ligaments_of_auricle hasPart auricular_cartilage hasPart antitragus hasPart tail_of_helix hasPart fossa_antihelica hasPart triangular_fossa_of_auricle differentiatedFrom mesenchyme_of_auricle hasPart surface_epithelium_of_auricle hasPart concha_of_auricle hasPart eminentia_scaphae