name basal_lamina_of_choroid namespace parent part_of_choroidea annotationRemark [] dka speciesNo [] 86 label [med] Lamina basalis choroideae organNo [] 60039 comment [de] eine bis zu 2 mm dicke Basalmembran zwischen Retinapigmentepithel und der Lamina choroidocapillaris; der das Pigmentepithel tragende Teil der Bruch-Membran label [de] Basalmembran der Aderhaut des Auges nameEnglishSynonym [] basal layer of choroid, Bruch's membrane, Henle's membrane, vitreous lamella, vitreous membrane nameMedicineSynonym [] comment [en] The transparent, nearly structureless inner layer of the choroid in contact with the pigmented layer of the retina nameGermanSynonym [] ACC [] cy0015966 label [en] basal lamina of choroid hasPart capillary_lamina isPartOf adult adjacentTo retinal_pigment_epithelium_RPE isPartOf choroid