name brachiocephalic_vein_right_and_left namespace parent vein_of_trunk comment [en] Either of two large veins that occur one on each side of the neck, receive blood from the head and neck, are formed by the union of the internal jugular and the subclavian veins, and unite to form the superior vena cava organNo [] 20979 label [de] Arm-Kopfvene (rechte und linke) annotationRemark [] nameGermanSynonym [] speciesNo [] 86 ACC [] cy0016635 nameMedicineSynonym [] label [med] Vena brachiocephalica (dextra et sinistra) comment [de] der gemeinsame große (links längere) Venenstamm der rechten beziehungsweise linken Vena jugularis interna und Vena subclavia zwischen Hinterfläche des Sternoklavikulargelenks und unterem medialem Rand des 1. rechten Rippenknorpels label [en] brachiocephalic vein (right and left) nameEnglishSynonym [] hasPart pericardial_veins_of_brachiocephalic_vein isPartOf hasPart vertebral_vein_right_and_left hasPart supreme_intercostal_vein hasPart oesophageal_veins_of_brachiocephalic_vein hasPart inferior_laryngeal_vein hasPart unpaired_thyroid_plexus hasPart inferior_thyroid_vein hasPart deep_cervical_vein drainsInto superior_vena_cava hasPart tracheal_veins hasPart thymic_veins isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_20 isFedBy internal_jugular_vein_right_and_left isPartOf superior_mediastinum hasPart pericardiacophrenic_veins hasPart left_superior_intercostal_vein hasPart bronchial_veins_right_and_left hasPart suboccipital_venous_plexus isFedBy subclavian_vein hasPart internal_thoracic_veins hasPart mediastinal_veins_of_brachiocephalic_vein