name caecum namespace parent part_of_large_intestine comment [en] A blind pouch-like commencement of the colon in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen at the end of the small intestine, forming the first part of the large intestine; the appendix is a diverticulum that extends of the caecum comment [de] ist circa 6 bis 8 cm lang, liegt unterhalb der Mündung des Krummdarms in den Dickdarm und trägt den 5 bis 8 cm langen Wurmfortsatz label [de] Blinddarm speciesNo [] 86 label [med] Caecum nameGermanSynonym [] annotationRemark [] organNo [] 728 nameEnglishSynonym [] cecum nameMedicineSynonym [] Intestinum caecum, Intestinum cecum ACC [] cy0017212 label [en] caecum hasPart ileocecal_valve isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_19 isSuppliedBy anterior_caecal_artery isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_16 isSuppliedBy posterior_caecal_artery hasPart precaecocolic_fascia hasPart future_appendix isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_18 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_17 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_15 hasPart part_of_caecum hasPart endodermal_epithelium_of_caecum differentiatedFrom midgut hasPart associated_mesenchyme_of_caecum hasPart cecal_vascular_fold isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_14 hasPart appendix isPartOf hindgut hasPart ileocecal_fold isPartOf large_intestine hasPart ileal_papilla_ isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_20 hasPart dorsal_mesentery_of_caecum hasPart cecal_folds