name cauda_equina namespace parent part_of_spinal_cord label [med] Cauda equina nameEnglishSynonym [] comment [de] die gebündelten vorderen und hinteren Spinalnervenwurzeln des Lendenmarks und Sakralmarks um das Filum terminale; füllt unterhalb des Conus medullaris den Lendenteil und Kreuzbeinteil des Spinalkanals aus organNo [] 22048 speciesNo [] 86 nameMedicineSynonym [] nameGermanSynonym [] Pferdeschwanz comment [en] The roots of the upper sacral nerves that extend beyond the termination of the spinal cord at the first lumbar vertebra in the form of a bundle of filaments within the vertebral canal resembling a horse's tail label [de] Nervenfaserbündel am Ende des Rückenmarks annotationRemark [] ACC [] cy0051873 label [en] cauda equina isSuppliedBy spinal_branch_of_iliolumbar_artery isPartOf spinal_nerve