name cavity_of_future_pleural_sacs namespace parent cavity parent embryonic_body_cavity organNo [] 81853 speciesNo [] 86 label [med] Cavitas sacci pleuralis futuri comment [en] it is the cavitiy within the future pleural sac which will surround the lung later on. label [de] Höhle des zukünftigen Pleuralsackes ACC [] cy0009381 label [en] cavity of future pleural sacs comment [de] es handelt sich um die Höhle innerhalb des zukünftigen Pleurasackes, der später die Lunge umgeben wird annotationRemark [] dka isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_16 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_15 isPartOf future_pleural_sacs isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_17 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_14 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_13