name chorda_tympani_branch_of_facial_nerve_VII namespace parent branches_of_nerves annotationRemark [] dka nameMedicineSynonym [] ACC [] cy0018986 organNo [] 82046 label [med] Ramus chordae tympani nervi facialis septi comment [de] Die Chorda tympani ist ein Ast des Nervus facialis und verläuft im Canalis facialis durch das Mittelohr dann durch die Fissura petrotympani in die Fossa infratemporalis. Außerdem gibt sie parasympathische Fasern an das Ganglion submandibulare ab, diese Fasern verlaufen mit dem Nervus lingualis und innervieren dann Glandula submandubularis und sublingualis. comment [en] The chorda tympani is a nerve that branches from the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII) inside the facial canal, just before the facial nerve exits the skull via the stylomastoid foramen.Chorda tympani is a branch of the facial nerve (the seventh cranial nerve) that serves the taste buds in the front of the tongue, runs through the middle ear, and carries taste messages to the brain. nameGermanSynonym [] label [de] nameEnglishSynonym [] speciesNo [] 86 label [en] chorda tympani branch of facial nerve [VII] accompanies lingual_nerve locatedIn infratemporal_fossa hasCell innervates sublingual_gland_major_and_minor innervates submandibular_gland locatedIn facial_canal isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_14 isPartOf cranial_nerve