name chyle_cistern namespace parent lymphatic_trunk nameMedicineSynonym [] Ampulla chyli organNo [] 25120 ACC [] cy0019116 speciesNo [] 86 nameGermanSynonym [] annotationRemark [] dka comment [en] A dilated sac at the lower end of the thoracic duct into which the intestinal trunk and two lumbar lymphatic trunks open; it occurs inconstantly and when present is located posterior to the aorta on the anterior aspect of the bodies of the first and second lumbar vertebrae label [de] Cisterna chyli label [en] chyle cistern comment [de] Erweiterung beim Zusammenfluss der Lymphstämme der unteren Extremitäten und des Bauchraumes, hinter der Aorta am Hiatus aorticus des Zwerchfells in Höhe des 12. Brustwirbels 1. Lendenwirbels gelegen, enthält Milchsaft und bildet den Ausgangspunkt des Ductus thoracicus label [med] Cisterna chyli nameEnglishSynonym [] cisterna chyli, Pecquet's cistern, Pecquet's reservoir, receptaculum chyli, receptaculum pecqueti, chylocyst, cistern of Pecquet hasPart chyle hasCell isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_20 hasCell endothelial_cell hasCell hasCell hasCell hasCell isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_19