name ciliary_ganglion namespace parent parasympathetic_ganglion ACC [] cy0019185 speciesNo [] 86 organNo [] 80836 nameEnglishSynonym [] ophthalmic ganglion, lenticular ganglion label [med] Ganglion ciliare annotationRemark [] dka label [de] Schacher-Ganglion label [en] ciliary ganglion comment [de] Das Ganglion ciliare liegt hinter dem Augapfel am Sehnerv, in ihm werden parasympathische Fasern für die inneren Augenmuskeln umgeschaltet. Zudem verlaufen in dem Ganglion auch sensible und sympathische Fasern, allerdings ohne Verschaltung auf ein weiteres Ganglion. nameGermanSynonym [] Ziliarganglion comment [en] is a parasympathetic ganglion located in the posterior orbit. The postganglionic axons run in the short ciliary nerves and innervate two eye muscles: the sphnkter pupillae and the ciliaris muscle.Three types of fibers run through the ganglion,_parasympathetic, sympathetic and sensory fibers. Only the parasympathetic fibers in the ganaglion. isPartOf autonomic_ganglion isPartOf isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_20 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_17 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_18 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_16 hasPart parasympathetic_root_of_ciliary_ganglion isPartOf parasympathetic_ganglion isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_19 hasCell hasPart sympathetic_root_of_ciliary_ganglion hasPart sensory_root_of_ciliary_ganglion isPartOf cranial_part_of_parasympathetic_nerve_system_element