name common_carotid_artery namespace parent artery_of_head_and_neck parent artery_of_elastic_type child carotid_bifurcation child right_common_carotid_artery child carotid_glomus child left_common_carotid_artery annotationRemark [] dka label [de] gemeinsame Halsschlagader ACC [] cy0019999 label [en] common carotid artery comment [de] die paarige gemeinsame Kopfarterie im Halsbereich; die rechte entspringt aus dem Truncus brachiocephalicus, die linke aus dem Aortenbogen; verläuft neben Luftröhre und Kehlkopf zum oberen Schildknorpelrand, dort teilt sie sich auf in Arteria carotis externa und interna; Versorgungsgebiet: Teile des Halses, Kopf comment [en] Origin: right from brachiocephalic trunk, left from arch of aorta; runs upward in the neck and divides opposite upper border of thyroid cartilage (C-4 vertebral level) into terminal branches, the external and internal carotid artery label [med] Arteria carotis communis isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_20 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_19 isOriginOf external_carotid_artery_right_and_left hasPart carotid_glomus isPartOf superior_mediastinum isPartOf isOriginOf internal_carotid_artery_right_and_left isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_18 hasPart carotid_sinus hasPart carotid_bifurcation differentiatedFrom third_pharyngeal_arch_artery