name common_tendinous_ring_of_extra-ocular_muscles namespace parent part_of_eye parent tendon_of_head comment [en] A fibrous ring that surrounds the optic canal and the medial part of the superior orbital fissure; it gives origin to the four rectus muscles of the eye and is partially fused with the sheath of the optic nerve annotationRemark [] dka nameEnglishSynonym [] common anular tendon, Zinn's ligament, Zinn's ring, Zinn's tendon, anulus of Zinn label [med] Anulus tendineus communis nameMedicineSynonym [] label [de] Zinn-Ring ACC [] cy0020176 speciesNo [] 86 label [en] common tendinous ring of extra-ocular muscles comment [de] der sehnige Trichter am Augenhöhlenausgang des Canalis opticus; Durchtrittsort der Arteria ophthalmica und der Nervi oculomotorius und abducens nameGermanSynonym [] organNo [] 60159 attachedTo medial_rectus_muscle isPartOf accessory_visual_structures attachedTo lateral_rectus_muscle attachedTo inferior_rectus_muscle attachedTo superior_rectus_muscle attachedTo superior_oblique_muscle