name corpus_striatum namespace parent part_of_brain comment [en] The caudate and lentiform nuclei; the striate appearance on section is caused by slender fascicles of myelinated fibers; histologically, the striate body can be subdivided into the generally small-celled striatum, consisting of the caudate nucleus and the outer segment of the lentiform nucleus, and a large-celled globus pallidus composed of the two segments comment [de] in der Basis jeder Großhirnhälfte seitlich des Thalamus liegendes Basalganglion; gehört zum extrapyramidalen-motorischen System; besteht aus dem Nucleus caudatus und dem Putamen als Neostriatum; ist die größte Anhäufung von tiefgelegenen Kerngebieten des Großhirns label [en] corpus striatum label [med] Corpus striatum speciesNo [] 86 nameGermanSynonym [] nameEnglishSynonym [] striate body organNo [] 1080 label [de] Streifenhügel annotationRemark [] ACC [] cy0020828 nameMedicineSynonym [] isPartOf basal_nuclei_and_related_structures isPartOf grey_matter hasPart thalamic_fasciculus_of_telencephalon hasPart striatum hasPart pallidum hasPart ansa_lenticularis_in_corpus_striatum hasPart subthalamic_fasciculus_of_telencephalon hasPart lenticular_fasciculus_of_telencephalon