name cortical_radiate_arteries_of_kidney namespace parent artery_of_kidney label [en] cortical radiate arteries of kidney nameEnglishSynonym [] interlobular arteries of kidney label [med] Arteriae corticales radiatae renis comment [de] Ursprung: Arteria arcuata; steigen radiƤr in die Nierenrinde der Niere auf nameMedicineSynonym [] Arteriae interlobulares renis comment [en] The branches of the interlobar arteries of the kidney paasing outward through the cortex and supplying the glomeruli hasPart afferent_artery_of_glomerulus isPartOf adult isPartOf arcuate_arteries_of_kidney hasPart efferent_artery_of_glomerulus hasOriginIn arcuate_arteries_of_kidney isPartOf