name costocervical_trunk namespace parent artery_of_trunk organNo [] 22148 label [med] Truncus costocervicalis nameGermanSynonym [] ACC [] cy0021083 annotationRemark [] label [de] nameEnglishSynonym [] comment [de] gemeinsamer Stamm der Arterien cervicalis profunda und intercostalis suprema, entspringt hinter dem Musculus scalenus anterior aus der Arteria subclavia comment [en] A branch of the subclavian artery that divides to supply the first or first two intercostal spaces and the deep structures of the neck speciesNo [] 86 label [en] costocervical trunk nameMedicineSynonym [] isPartOf hasOriginIn subclavian_artery isOriginOf deep_cervical_artery isOriginOf supreme_intercostal_artery