name cranial_arachnoid_mater namespace parent leptomeninx_of_brain child arachnoid_trabeculae comment [de] zarte, gefäßarme, bindegewebige, beidseits endothelbedeckte mittlere Gehirnhaut, liegt der sie bedeckenden Dura mater eng an und ist von der unter ihr gelegenen Pia mater getrennt durch den Subarachnoidalraum annotationRemark [] dka speciesNo [] 86 comment [en] That portion of the arachnoid which lies within the cranial cavity and surrounds the brain and the cranial portion of the subarachnoid space; in several sites it is relatively widely-separated from the pia mater, creating the cranial subarachnoid cisterns organNo [] 22833 label [de] Spinnwebenhaut ACC [] cy0021176 nameEnglishSynonym [] cranial arachnoid, arachnoid of brain, cerebral part of arachnoid nameMedicineSynonym [] Arachnoidea mater encephali label [med] Arachnoidea mater cranialis label [en] cranial arachnoid mater nameGermanSynonym [] hasPart subarachnoid_space_of_brain hasPart arachnoid_granulations