name cuboid namespace parent tarsus nameEnglishSynonym [] cuboid bone organNo [] 22627 nameMedicineSynonym [] ACC [] cy0021586 nameGermanSynonym [] comment [en] The lateral bone of the distal row of the tarsus, articulating with the calcaneus, lateral cuneiform, navicular (occasionally), and fourth and fifth metatarsal bones comment [de] befindet sich lateral in der distalen Fußwurzelreihe; bildet Gelenkflächen für das Fersenbein, den 4. und 5. Mittelfußknochen, das seitliche Keilbein und das Kahnbein label [en] cuboid speciesNo [] 86 label [med] Os cuboideum label [de] Würfelbein annotationRemark [] isPartOf cuboideonavicular_joint hasPart tuberosity_of_cuboid_bone hasPart tendinous_sulcus_of_peroneus_longus_muscle_of_cuboid_bone hasPart calcaneal_process_of_cuboid_bone isPartOf lateral_cuneocuboid_joint connectWith interossea_cuneocuboid_ligament isPartOf calcaneocuboid_joint