name deep_inguinal_lymph_nodes namespace parent inguinal_lymph_nodes child proximal_deep_inguinal_lymph_node_inconstant child distal_deep_inguinal_lymph_node child intermediate_deep_inguinal_lymph_node_inconstant speciesNo [] 86 nameGermanSynonym [] nameMedicineSynonym [] annotationRemark [] label [de] tiefliegende Lymphknoten der Leistengegend label [en] deep inguinal lymph nodes label [med] Nodi lymphatici inguinales profundi comment [de] an der Vena femoralis gelegen; für tiefe Lymphgefäße des Beines, mit Abfluß über Nodi lymphatici iliaci externa ACC [] cy0022071 organNo [] 21611 nameEnglishSynonym [] comment [en] Several small nodes deep to the fascia lata and medial to the femoral vein; they receive lymph from the deep structures of the lower limb, from the glans penis and from superficial lymph nodes; efferents pass to the external iliac nodes adjacentTo femoral_vein