name element_of_embryonic_digestive_system namespace parent embryonic_structure child urorectal_septum child hepatic_diverticulum child mesothelial_lining_of_pleuroperitoneal_coelom child part_of_midgut child biliary_bud child tracheo-oesophageal_septum child part_of_foregut child future_tongue child cloaca child anal_membrane child mesenteries_of_gastrointestinal_tract child part_of_hindgut child dorsal_bud_of_pancreas_primordium child lingual_swelling_of_second_pharyngeal_arch child future_stroma child non-hepatic_component_of_septum_transversum child rest_of_stomach child glands_of_foregut-midgut_junction child associated_mesenchyme_of_foregut-midgut_junction child primordium_of_salivary_gland child future_sigmoid_sinus child future_common_hepatic_duct child laryngo-tracheal_groove child hepatic_plate child part_of_cloaca child lingual_swelling_of_first_pharyngeal_arch child anal_folds child gut child lingual_swelling_of_third_pharyngeal_arch child hepatic_component_of_septum_transversum definitionGerman [] Elemete des embryonalen Verdauungssystems, die spezifisch nur im Embryo, nicht aber im adulten Organismus vorkommen. comment [en] Elements of the embryonic digestive system, which exists specifically in embryos, but not in the adult organism. label [de] Elemente des embryologischen Verdauungstrakts ACC [] cy0052355 label [en] elements of embryonic digestive system comment [de] Der Magen-Darm-Kanal erstreckt sich von der Rachenmembran bis zur Kloakenmembran. Das Epithel des MDTs und das Parenchym der Verdauungsdrüsen stammen aus dem Entoderm, das Bindegewebe, die Muskelschichten und der Peritonealüberzug aus dem Mesoderm.