name endodermal_cell namespace parent cell comment [en] Embryonic cells forming the yolk sac and giving rise to the epithelium of the alimentary and respiratory tracts and to the parenchyma of associated glands comment [de] Zelle des inneren Keimblatts, aus welchem sich u.a. die Epithelien des Verdauungs- und des Respirationstraktes ableiten. cellNo [] 3940 ACC [] cy0014504 nameGermanSynonym [] Zelle des Entoderms precursorNo [] 962 nameMedicineSynonym [] annotationRemark [] label [en] endodermal cell speciesNo [] 86 nameEnglishSynonym [] endoderm cell, entodermal cell, cell of entodermal germ layer label [de] Zelle des Entoblast label [med] isCellOf endoderm isCellOf primitive_endoderm isCellOf endoderm_of_secondary_yolk_sac isCellOf extraembryonic_reticulum isCellOf extraembryonic_endoderm