name ependymal_cell namespace parent glial_cell_of_central_nervous_system parent cell label [de] Ependymzelle speciesNo [] 86 nameGermanSynonym [] Ependymozyt, Flimmerepithelzelle comment [en] ependymal cell lining brain ventricles and the central canal of the spinal cord; ciliated cells with propulsive and secretory function of liquor cerebrospinalis label [en] ependymal cell comment [de] Ependymzellen bilden im Verbund das Epithel der inneren Hohlräume von Gehirn und Rückenmark; die mit Kinozilien besetzte Zellen haben Antriebs- und Sekretfunktion für den Liquor cerebrospinalis precursorNo [] 962 cellNo [] 618 cellSystemNo [] 962 nameEnglishSynonym [] ependymocyte annotationRemark [] elf nameMedicineSynonym [] label [med] Ependymocytus ACC [] cy0011269 isCellOf column_of_fornix_of_third_ventricle_anterior_and_posterior isCellOf ependyma derivesFrom neural_ectoderm isCellOf fourth_ventricle isCellOf third_ventricle isCellOf choroid_membrane_of_third_ventricle_of_hypothalamus isCellOf central_canal isCellOf taenia_thalami_of_third_ventricle isCellOf aqueduct_of_mesencephalon isCellOf opening_of_aqueduct_of_midbrain_of_third_ventricle