name epididymis namespace parent internal_male_genitalia ACC [] cy0047525 speciesNo [] 86 label [en] epididymis (right and lef label [med] Epididymis (dexter et sinister) label [de] Nebenhoden (rechter und linker) comment [de] dem Hoden hinten oben anliegend, gebildet von den ausführenden Kanälchen des Hodens und dem Nebenhodengang; den Kopf bilden 12-15 Ductuli efferentis testis, die in den 4-5 m langen stark gewundenen Nebenhodengang führen, der den Körper und Schwanz bildet, dienen der Ableitung und Speicherung von Samenfäden comment [en] An elongated structure connected to the posterior surface of the testis, consisting of the head of the epidymis, body of epidymis, and tail of epidymis, which turns sharply upon itself to become the ductus deferens; the main component is the very convoluted duct of the epidymis which in the tail and the beginning of the ductus deferens is a reservoir for spermatozoa; the epidymis transports, stores, and matures spermatozoa between testis and ductus deferens organNo [] 784 hasPart epididymal_appendage hasPart epididymal_caput isSuppliedBy epididymal_branches_of_testicular_artery_male becomes deferent_duct hasPart aberrant_ducts hasPart epiorchium_of_epididymis hasPart epididymal_sinus hasPart epididymal_tail isPartOf hasPart epididymal_body hasPart lobules_of_epididymis hasPart inferior_aberrant_ductule hasPart epididymal_duct isFedBy efferent_ducts_of_testis hasPart vaginal_tunic_of_epididymis hasPart part_of_vaginal_tunic_of_epididymis