name ethmoidal_bone namespace parent part_of_neurocranium parent pneumatized_bone label [de] Siebbein ACC [] cy0050791 organNo [] 1205 comment [en] An irregular shaped bone lying between the orbital plates of the frontal bone and anterior to the sphenoid bone; it consists of two lateral masses of thin plates enclosing air cells, attached above to a perforated horizontal lamina, the cribriform plate, from which descends a median vertical or perpendicular plate in the interval between the two lateral masses; the bone articulates with the sphenoid bone, frontal bone, maxillary bone, lacrimal bone, and palatine bone, the inferior nasal concha, and the vomer; it enters into the formation of the anterior cranial fossa, the orbits, and the nasal cavity label [en] ethmoidal bone label [med] Os ethmoidale (dexter et sinister) speciesNo [] 86 nameEnglishSynonym [] ethmoid (right and left) comment [de] unpaar, bildet den kleinen Teil der Schädelbasis und der medialen Augenhöhlenwand, die obere und mittlere Nasenmuschel und den oberen Teil der Nasenscheidewand hasPart cribiform_plate_of_ethmoid_bone hasPart crista_galli isPartOf ethmoidolacrimal_suture isPartOf spheno-ethmoidal_suture isPartOf palato-ethmoidal_suture isPartOf neurocranium hasPart perpendicular_lamina_of_ethmoid isPartOf frontoethmoidal_suture hasPart cribiform_foramina isPartOf ethmoidomaxillary_suture hasPart ethmoidal_labyrinth_of_ethmoid isPartOf adult