name excretory_duct_of_salivary_gland namespace parent part_of_eccrine_gland label [en] excretory duct of salivary gland speciesNo [] 86 comment [de] nameGermanSynonym [] ACC [] cy0025561 comment [en] Ducts, carrying the secretion from the salivary glands organNo [] 20428 nameMedicineSynonym [] label [med] Ductuli excretori glandulae salivaria label [de] Ausführungsgang der Speicheldrüsen nameEnglishSynonym [] annotationRemark [] isPartOf serous_mucous_gland isPartOf adult hasCell cuboidal_epithelial_cell isPartOf excretory_duct_system_of_salivary_gland hasCell duct_cell_of_seminal_vesicleprostata_gland_etc hasCell cell_of_salivary_gland_serous hasCell cell_of_salivary_gland_mucous