name external_branch_of_accessory_nerve namespace parent branches_of_nerves organNo [] 23052 label [de] äußerer Zweig des Nervus accessorius speciesNo [] 86 label [en] external branch of accessory nerve comment [en] Portion of the accessory nerve trunk which exists indepently from the jugular foramen, carrying fibers from the spinal root of the accessory nerve to the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscle ACC [] cy0025723 label [med] Ramus externus nervi accessorii nameGermanSynonym [] comment [de] Versorgungsgebiet: Musculus trapezius, Musculus sternocleidomastoideus nameMedicineSynonym [] Accessorius spinalis nameEnglishSynonym [] annotationRemark [] dka innervates trapezius_muscle isPartOf cranial_nerve hasOriginIn trunk_of_accessory_nerve innervates sternocleidomastoid_muscle hasPart muscular_branches_of_accessory_nerve isPartOf adult