name external_intercostal_muscles namespace parent intercostal_muscle organNo [] 40095 comment [en] The intercostales externi extend between the rips of the thorax. Each arises from the lower border of one rib and is inserted into the upper border of the rib below. Their fibers are directed obliquely downward and extend the rib cage during inspiration. label [en] external intercostal muscles comment [de] Der Musculus intercostales externus verläuft in allen Zwischenrippenräumen schräg von hinten oben nach vorn unten. Er dient als Atemhilfsmuskel der Verspannung und Hebung der Rippen bei der Einatmung. label [med] Musculi intercostales externi label [de] äußere Zwischenrippenmuskeln speciesNo [] 86 ACC [] cy0025768 annotationRemark [] dka isSuppliedBy intercostal_artery isInnervatedBy intercostal_nerves attachedTo rib isPartOf skeletal_muscle_of_axial_muscle isPartOf muscle_of_thorax