name external_jugular_vein_right_and_left namespace parent vein_of_head_and_neck label [de] die hintere oberflächliche Drosselvene (rechte und linke) nameMedicineSynonym [] speciesNo [] 86 annotationRemark [] dka ACC [] cy0025849 nameGermanSynonym [] label [med] Vena jugularis externa (dextra et sinistra) comment [en] A superficial vein formed inferior to the parotid gland by the junction of the posterior auricular vein and the retromandibular vein passes down the side of the neck crossing the sternocleidomastoid muscle vertically to empty into the subclavian vein organNo [] 292 label [en] external jugular vein (right and left) comment [de] entsteht aus dem Zusammenfluss der Vena occipitalis und Vena auricularis posterior; Verlauf: zwischen Platysma und oberflächlicher Halsfaszie zur Vena subclavia, seltener zur Vena brachiocephalica oder jugularis interna; Sammelgebiet: Hinterkopf, seitlicher Bereich des Halses, Schultergegend nameEnglishSynonym [] jugulo-cephalic vein, jugulocephalic vein hasPart suprascapular_vein hasPart anterior_jugular_vein hasPart posterior_auricular_vein drainsInto internal_jugular_vein_right_and_left hasPart transverse_cervical_veins isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_20 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_18 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_19 isPartOf