name extraembryonic_component namespace parent anatomical_building_block child allantois child mesothelium_of_connecting_stalk child yolk_sac_remnant child part_of_yolk_sac child primary_yolk_sac child chorion child extraembryonic_mesoderm child amniotic_ectoderm_of_umbilical_cord child exocoelomic_vesicles child extraembryonic_reticulum child part_of_amnion child connecting_stalk child parts_of_placenta child allantoenteric_diverticulum_of_connecting_stalk child part_of_chorion child part_of_allantois child amnion child trophectoderm child secondary_yolk_sac child extraembryonic_endoderm ACC [] cy0028924 label [de] extraembryonaler Anteil label [med] Pars composita extraembryonica organNo [] 80009 comment [en] situated outside the embryo proper, developed from the zygote but not part of the embryo label [en] extraembryonic component comment [de] außerhalb des Embryos, beziehungsweise nicht direkt am Aufbau des Embryos beteiligt speciesNo [] 86 annotationRemark [] dka hasPart zona_pellucida hasPart exocoelomic_vesicles hasPart extraembryonic_mesoderm hasPart primary_yolk_sac_cavity