name extraembryonic_reticulum namespace parent extraembryonic_component label [med] Reticulum extraembryonicum nameEnglishSynonym [] comment [de] Von den Entodermzellen des Embryoblasten abstammendes netzartiges Gewebe, welches in dem Spaltraum, der zwischen dem primären Dottersack und innerer Oberfläche des Trophoblasten ensteht, gebildet wird. speciesNo [] 86 nameGermanSynonym [] label [en] extraembryonic reticulum comment [en] the network of interstitial tisssue composed of reticular fibres which is situated outside the embryo proper. A layer of cells called the extraembryonic reticulum is secreted between Heusers membrane and the cytotrophoblast. This eventually breaks down into fluid and forms the chorionic cavity. The origin of extraembryonic reticulum is still a controversial issue. In accordance with evidence from other species, it is widely accepted that endoderm delaminates from the embryonic disc, probably to form the hypoblast and migrates round the internal surface of the blastocystic cavity. label [de] extraembrionales Retikulum organNo [] 80023 annotationRemark [] dka ACC [] cy0028936 nameMedicineSynonym [] isPartOf extraembryonic_component isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_5b hasCell endodermal_cell