name facial_nerve_VII namespace parent cranial_nerve child geniculum_of_facial_nerve comment [de] motorischer Ast des 2. Kiemenbogens; mit nichtmotorischen Fasern des Nervus intermedius, motorischer Ursprungskern in der Formatio reticularis (Rautengrubenboden); Ursprungsfasern umziehen den Abduzens-Kern, Austritt im Kleinhirn-Brückenwinkel, beim Porus acusticus internus Eintritt in den inneren Gehörgang, weiterer Verlauf im Felsenbein; Versorgungsgebiet: mimische Muskulatur, Musculus stapedius, Musculus stylohyoideus, Venter posterior des Musculus digastricus, Musculus tensor veli palatini; sekretorische Fasern für Tränendrüsen, Nasendrüsen, Gaumendrüsen, Speicheldrüsen (außer Parotis); Geschmacksfasern der vorderen zwei Drittel der Zunge, Teile des äußeren Gehörgangs (sensibel) label [en] facial nerve [VII] ACC [] cy0026246 label [de] Gesichtsnerv nameMedicineSynonym [] Nervus facialis septimus speciesNo [] 86 nameGermanSynonym [] VII. Hirnnerv nameEnglishSynonym [] seventh cranial nerve, motor nerve of face, branchiomeric cranial nerve, nerve VII label [med] Nervus facialis [VII] comment [en] Its origin is in the tegmentum of the lower portion of the pons, and it emerges from the brain at the posterior border of the pons; it leaves the cranial cavity through the internal acoustic meatus where it is joined by the intermediate nerve, traverses the facial canal in the petrous portion of the temporal bone, and makes its exit through the stylomastoid foramen, it passes through the parotid gland forming the intraparotid plexus, the various branches of which pass to the muscles of facial expression organNo [] 23043 annotationRemark [] dka isPartOf locatedIn facial_canal isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_14 hasOriginIn nuclei_of_solitary_tract isOriginOf cervical_branch_of_facial_nerve isOriginOf parotid_plexus isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_15 isOriginOf digastric_branch_of_facial_nerve isOriginOf temporal_branches_of_facial_nerve isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_17 innervates facial_muscle isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_18 isOriginOf marginal_mandibular_branch_of_facial_nerve isOriginOf stylohyoid_branch_of_facial_nerve isOriginOf intermediate_nerve hasPart geniculum_of_facial_nerve innervates musculus_stapedius innervates levator_veli_palatini_muscle hasOriginIn solitary_nucleus isOriginOf chorda_tympani_branch_of_facial_nerve_VII isOriginOf greater_petrosal_nerve_of_facial_nerve hasPart genu_of_facial_nerve isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_19 innervates zygomaticus_minor_muscle innervates pyramidal_muscle_of_auricle isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_16 isOriginOf zygomaticofacial_branch_of_zygomatic_nerve isOriginOf posterior_auricular_nerve innervates suprahyoid_muscles innervates superior_belly_of_digastricus_muscle isPartOf cranial_nerve innervates posterior_belly_of_digastricus_muscle isOriginOf buccal_branches_of_facial_nerve innervates corrugator_supercilii_muscle isOriginOf communicating_branch_with_glossopharyngeal_nerve_of_facial_nerve hasOriginIn facial_nucleus hasOriginIn salivary_nuclei isOriginOf nerve_to_stapedius_muscle locatedIn internal_acoustic_meatus_of_temporal_bone isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_20 innervates stylohyoideus_muscle