name facial_vein namespace parent vein_of_head_and_neck child external_palatine_vein child supratrochlear_veins child supra-orbital_vein child superior_labial_vein child parotid_veins_of_facial_vein child submental_vein child superior_palpebral_veins nameEnglishSynonym [] ACC [] cy0026249 annotationRemark [] nameMedicineSynonym [] comment [en] A vein that arises as the angular vein, at the medial angle of the eye, it passes diagonally downward and outward, uniting with the retromandibular vein below the border of the lower jaw before emptying into the internal jugular vein; drains the superficial structures of the face organNo [] 20510 label [de] Gesichtsvene comment [de] als Fortsetzung der Vena angularis, vom medialen Augenwinkel unter der Glandula submandibularis abwärts in die Vena jugularis interna mündend label [en] facial vein speciesNo [] 86 label [med] Vena facialis nameGermanSynonym [] drainsInto zygomaticus_minor_muscle drainsInto zygomaticus_major_muscle isPartOf internal_jugular_vein_right_and_left drainsInto internal_jugular_vein_right_and_left drainsInto orbicular_muscle drainsInto buccinator_muscle drainsInto orbicular_muscle_of_mouth isPartOf drainsInto risorius_muscle