name filum_terminale_of_spinal_cord namespace parent part_of_spinal_cord parent meninx_of_spinal_cord nameGermanSynonym [] Filum spinale comment [de] Ausläufer des Conus medullaris des Rückenmarks, Anteil außerhalb des Duralsacks circa 8 cm; ein hauptsächlich aus Pia mater bestehendes, nervenzellfreies Fadengebilde, Anheftung am 1. Steißwirbel label [en] filum terminale of spinal cord annotationRemark [] dka nameMedicineSynonym [] organNo [] 25335 label [med] Filum terminale spinalis ACC [] cy0027083 nameEnglishSynonym [] terminal filum of spinal cord, terminal filament of spinal cord label [de] Filum terminale speciesNo [] 86 comment [en] Stout strands of connective tissue attaching the spinal dural sac to the coccyx hasCell isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_19 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_20 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_18 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_17