name future_vestibulocochlear_part namespace parent part_of_vestibulocochlear_organ parent part_of_the_future_cranial_nerve_system organNo [] 80596 speciesNo [] 86 annotationRemark [] dka label [en] Future vestibulocochlear part comment [de] Der Teil in der embryonalen Entwicklung des Innenohres, der später das Hör- und Gleichgewichtsorgan bildet. label [de] Zukünftiger vestibulocochlearer Teil label [med] Pars vestibucochlearis futura comment [en] A part of the development of the inner ear which becomes afterwards the equlibrium organ and the acoustic organ. ACC [] cy0029491 hasPart epithelium_of_future_vestibulocochlear_part isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_14 isPartOf otocyst differentiatedFrom associated_mesenchyme_of_future_vestibulocochlear_part