name gallbladder namespace parent digestive_organ label [med] Vesica fellea comment [de] dünnwandiger, birnenförmiger, mit glatten Muskelfasern durchsetzter Schleimhautsack; die innenliegende Schleimhaut ist stark gefaltet und besteht aus einem einschichtigen, hochprismatischen Zylinderepithel; ist an der Leberunterfläche zumTeil bindegewebig angeheftet; Fassungsvermögen: 50 ml; Funktion: Reservoir für die Galle, Konzentration der Galle und Ausgleich von Druckschwankungen in den äußeren Gallenwegen comment [en] Membranous muscular sac in which the bile is stored until required; it is shaped like a pear and lodged in a fossa on the undersurface of the liver in a hollow between the right lobe and the quadrate lobe; bile is used in the digestion and absorption of fats in the duodenum nameEnglishSynonym [] gall bladder ACC [] cy0038086 nameMedicineSynonym [] Vesica biliaris, Cholezystis organNo [] 677 label [de] Gallenblase speciesNo [] 86 label [en] gallbladder hasPart hepatic_bed_of_gallbladder isPartOf abdomen hasPart corpus_of_gallbladder isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_19 isSuppliedBy cystic_artery hasPart muscular_layer_of_gallbladder hasPart collum_of_gallbladder isSuppliedBy cystic_branch_of_common_hepatic_artery isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_20 hasPart subserosa_of_gallbladder hasPart infundibulum_of_gallbladder differentiatedFrom biliary_bud hasPart fundus_of_gallbladder hasPart serosa_of_gallbladder isFedBy cystic_duct isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_18 hasPart part_of_gallbladder hasPart mucosa_of_gallbladder