name greater_vestibular_gland_right_and_left namespace parent mucous_gland comment [en] Either of two oval racemose glands lying one to each side of the lower part of the vagina and secreting a lubricating mucus nameEnglishSynonym [] Bartholin's gland, Duverney's gland, Tiedemann's gland annotationRemark [] label [de] Bartholin-Drüsen (rechte und linke) comment [de] die beidseitige große, tubuloalveoläre, schleimbildende Scheidenvorhofdrüse im Diaphragma urogenitale am Hinterrand der Vorhofschwellkörper, seitlich der Scheide; feuchtet den Vorhof an label [med] Glandula vestibularis major (dexter et sinister) organNo [] 21314 speciesNo [] 86 nameGermanSynonym [] label [en] greater vestibular gland (right and left) ACC [] cy0030711 nameMedicineSynonym [] hasCell exocrine_glandulocyte isPartOf vestibular_glands isPartOf mucous_gland isPartOf hasCell cell_of_Bartholins_gland