name hepatic_sinusoids namespace parent part_of_liver child hepatic_sinusoids_of_left_lobe_of_liver child hepatic_sinusoids_of_caudate_lobe_of_liver child hepatic_sinusoids_of_quadrate_lobe_of_liver child hepatic_sinusoids_of_right_lobe_of_liver organNo [] 80379 label [med] Sinusoidi hepatici comment [de] weite Blutkapillaren in der Leber, führen im Leberläppchen gemischt-venöses Blut (von der Vena portalis und der A.hepatica) von der Peripherie zur Zentralvene; besitzen stellenweise keine Basallamina label [en] hepatic sinusoids speciesNo [] 86 ACC [] cy0031475 comment [en] wide blood capillaries in liver; they contain mixed blood (from portal vein and A. hepatica) and end in the central vein of a hepatic lobule; partly lacking a basal lamina nameMedicineSynonym [] Sinusoidi hepae annotationRemark [] dka nameEnglishSynonym [] sinusoids of liver hasCell B-lymphocyte isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_12 isPartOf Carnegie_Stage_13 isPartOf hepatic_lobules adjacentTo disses_space hasCell isPartOf