name hyaloid_artery_variation namespace parent part_of_vitreous_chamber parent artery_of_eye ACC [] cy0031992 annotationRemark [] dka organNo [] 60139 comment [en] The terminal branch of the primitive ophthalmic artery, which forms in the embryo an extensive ramification in the primary vitreous and a vascular tunic around the lens; by 8 1/2 months, these vessels have atrophied almost completely, but a few persistent remnants are evident entoptically as muscae volitantes label [en] hyaloid artery (variation) label [de] Glaskörperschlagader comment [de] die selten nach der Geburt noch vorhandene Glaskörper-Arterie, Ast der Arteria centralis retinae, verläuft durch den Glaskörper des Auges zur Linse speciesNo [] 86 label [med] Arteria hyaloidea persistens isPartOf hasOriginIn central_retinal_artery isPartOf accessory_visual_structures locatedIn hyaloid_cavity isPartOf vitreous_stroma