name iliohypogastric_nerve namespace parent spinal_nerve organNo [] 21295 label [de] ACC [] cy0032241 nameEnglishSynonym [] iliopubic nerve label [en] iliohypogastric nerve annotationRemark [] speciesNo [] 86 label [med] Nervus iliohypogastricus nameMedicineSynonym [] Nervus iliopubicus nameGermanSynonym [] comment [de] motorisch-sensibler Ast des Plexus lumbalis (Th12, L1); durch den Musculus psoas und zwischen Musculi transversus und obliqui der Bauchdecke (Muskeläste an sie abgebend); Hautinnervation in seitlicher Hüftgegend beziehungsweise Schamgegend comment [en] A branch of the first lumbar nerve that devides into branches distributed to the skin of the lateral part of the buttocks, the skin of the pubic region, and the muscles of the anterolateral abdominal wall hasOriginIn lumbar_plexus isPartOf isPartOf spinal_nerve isOriginOf lateral_cutaneous_branch_of_iliohypogastric_nerve