name inferior_thyroid_artery namespace parent artery_of_head_and_neck comment [de] Ast des Truncus thyreocervicalis an die Rückseite der Schilddrüse; verläuft am medialen Rand des Musculus scalenus anterior, in Höhe des 6. Halswirbels unter der Arteria carotis communis nach medial und abwärts; Äste: Arteria laryngea inferior, Rami glandulares, pharyngei, oesophagei, tracheales; Versorgungsgebiet: Schilddrüse, Kehlkopf, Rachen, Speiseröhre, Luftröhre label [med] Arteria thyroidea inferior label [de] untere Schilddrüsen-Arterie comment [en] Origin: terminal branch of thyrocervical trunk (with ascending cervical artery); branches: inferior laryngeal artery, and muscular, oesophageal and tracheal branches label [en] inferior thyroid artery isOriginOf oesophageal_branches_of_inferior_thyroid_artery isOriginOf glandular_branches_of_inferior_thyroid_artery hasOriginIn thyrocervical_trunk supplies thyroid_gland isOriginOf inferior_laryngeal_artery isOriginOf pharyngeal_branches_of_inferior_thyroid_artery isOriginOf tracheal_branches_of_inferior_thyroid_artery supplies scalenus_anterior_muscle supplies scalenus_minimus_muscle_inconstant isPartOf