name inguinal_canal namespace parent tubes parent part_of_pelvis organNo [] 21357 speciesNo [] 86 comment [de] enthält beim Mann den Samenstrang, bei der Frau das runde Mutterband comment [en] A passage in the male through which the testis descends into the scrotum and in which the spermatic cord lies; and in female a passage accommodating the round ligament ACC [] cy0033949 label [med] Canalis inguinalis label [de] Leistenkanal label [en] inguinal canal formedBy external_oblique_muscle formedBy transverse_fascia locationOf broad_ligament_of_uterus_female formedBy internal_oblique_muscle isPartOf locationOf spermatic_cord formedBy inguinal_ligament forms lateral_inguinal_fossa isPartOf formedBy transversus_abdominis_muscle formedBy peritoneum